
Any one can give me a help ?

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Any one can give me a help over how can I get a permeation to go Australia as a human refugee with my family fleeing sectarian war in Iraq?




  1. You can do it either legally or illegally.  I suggest legally because if you get caught it will ruin your chances of ever getting to Australia again.

    You need to approach the Australian Embassy in Iraq or a humanitarian organisation.  They will hear your case and decide whether you can come here.

    Once you get here you may have to spend a short (or long) time in a place where you are further asessed.  If you come here illegally you will automaotically go to the Detention Centre as well.

    It is not the most comfortable place in the world and you will be behind a wire fence that is guarded, but you don't need to fear for your life and you won't go hungry or go without medical help.  It is just part of the process in Australia.

    If you do come to Australia you need to remember that it is very different from your way of life that you are used to, but you will be safe.  There is a give and take on both sides, so if Australia gives to you, you need to give of yourself too.  That can mean that you just need to accept the laws and customs in Australia and not try to impose your own (which I am sure you won't!).

  2. i dont know

  3. if there is an Australian Embassy anywhere try there

  4. you could try a boat ,they all seem to do that, but take care the sharks dont get you.

  5. I think he is asking how he gets permission for him and his family to relocate to Australia as refugees fleeing the war in Iraq.

  6. You need to become a legal citizen there first.

  7. It is unlikely that you would get permission to go to Australia as an Iraq war refugee. The Australians are quite famous for not taking immigrants and for locking them up in unpleasant camps for idefinite periods if they arrive without permission.

    Unfortunately for you as most of the Western governments recognise the current Iraqi government you are very unlikely to be able to claim asylum anywhere in the West. So unless you can get on the highly skilled migrant program you probably aren't going at all.

  8. Umm.....what?

  9. do what they normally do hide in a truck and go

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