
Any one can tell me i just want to learn about Environmental Enginerring like Sewage Treatment, Effluent Trea

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I want to study about Environmental Engineering of Sewage Treatment, Effluent Treatment, RO Process, Desinging of STP & ETP




  1. lern in school then college

  2. See the following references and the information within.  If you want to learn the great details involved, it will require schoolwork.

  3. Your name indicates that you are an Indian and your profile shows that you are a new entrant to Yahoo Answers two days old. Hearty welcome to an useful group!

    Coming to answer to your question, UG courses and PG courses on Environmental Engineering are available now a days in majority of the engineering colleges and IITs across India. Try to find out a suitable course (UG/PG) based on your present educational qualification and decide upon the selection of institution according to your merit and convenience.

    Do make use of the educational institutions' websites to obtain more information in this regard. BEST OF LUCK!    

  4. It is agood idea.You join in polytechnic college for a Diploma or in engineering college for degree course in environmental,civil or chemical engineering to learn the sweage treatment methods.For sewage treatments there are so many methods such as aerobic, anaerobic,electrolysis etc

  5. well, it's nice to hear it from specially now that the level of contamination in the water s really very high, like the usual case of most of the places in the world with no proper waste treatment plant, that the public sewer goes right into the rivers and even though there are septic tanks still, only the soild wastes are being blocekd from contaminating the waters there are chemicals that could blend in with water to go straight to rhe rivers/lakes then to the sea where in we get most of our sea foods. imagine.

    STP, collects and cleans the sewege and there are many kinds of these plants either you collect the methane and then use it for energy or just clean the water and return it to the water supply, there are these aneorobic process, etc. and many more.  

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