
Any one can tell us the one political personality name ,who is not involve in corruption?

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Any one can tell us the one political personality name ,who is not involve in corruption?




  1. Jesus was for gods heavenly government. he was flawless.

  2. Bob Barr running for President of USA as a Libertairan.

    He is not corrupt. He will get us off of Forigan Oil by, Drilling East and West Coast. Plus Alaska. Coal to Oil. Wind Power. Solar Power. Nucular power.  He will also keep taxes low. Note that both Dems and Reps been saying for the last 30 years that we will get off of Forigan Oil. Top it all with that Dems and Reps helped us to be more dependant on Forigan Oil.

    Facts: 1970s Oil from other countries was 24%

    2008 Oil from other countries is 70% and climing

  3. Ron Paul head of the Campaign For Liberty

  4. The dead ones

  5. Representative Ron Paul. He is also the only politician who has NEVER voted to raise taxes his entire career.

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