
Any one concerned about hr1955?

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I'm not into the whole conspiracy thing, but I think this might be worth calling your representatives about.




  1. yes, I am very concerned.  I was alerted to this by my political friends when it first came out and this may take away the right to protest and other rights we take for granted and ways we can show our displeasure with our government..  with the vote no longer counting, it is imperative the right to protest and write congress en-mass and planned boycotts etc be maintained as this is all we have now.  

    The bill will pass though..only 6 congressman voted against it..they are planning for our upcoming fascist is no longer a government off, for, and by the people, I am afraid.

    A friend of mine was placed on many lists for being a protest leader and told she is a "known troublemaker". they showed her her picture at the highway patrol and several other groups..they waited until the hundreds there left and only her and I returned to protest our Katherine Harris secretary of state, Ken Blackwell's speech when he ran and was roundly defeat for governor of Ohio..her restaurant where she works was also visited by uncover cops and homeland security approached her at another protest when we picketed a federal building as one of our march stops...she is one of the most peaceful people I know..very tolerant..a middle age woman who is trying to help this country and in return is targeted as so many of us activists is just most of us do not know about it..I was with her when she was harassed and intimidated and it was scary. It made me question if I should kept being an activist..but so far I still am. Remember in Fahrenheit 9-11 the Fresco, peace group was infiltrated..this is happening all over and now dragonfly spies cameras are found at protests apparently listening and taking pictures.  They consider regular people threats if they take any active stance and this is scary as who knows what is coming down the pike.  I would not hurt a fly and likely now because I am brave enough to speak up, I am likely on some list somewhere too. This bill may stop our informing people of things going on and trying to enlist others to protest and was activist I know who got the vote fraud all the way to congress...under this bill, maybe that will not be able to happen next time. the good and brave and wonderful activists I know could be silence or jailed or maybe even tortured all under the auspice of the law..truly sick..they are playing out things from n**i Germany but this time they know the answers of how to do it with no one to stop them..people better speak out while there is still time unless the fate of the history catches up with us too,

    I urge people to contact congress.  Here are some of the potential consequences of this bill in the question I asked about it a month ago;...

  2. You lost me when the fisrt thing I saw was Ward Churchill.

  3. Yes, I am very concerned about it although I live in Australia. Our old prime minister was bumchums with Bush and after the Bali Bombings in Indonesia blew away heaps of Australians, they introduced similar laws. We live in Police States. Have we become that complacent to not see that?

  4. Haw about providing a link from an impartial source such as

    I would rather read the bill and make up my own mind than read somebody else's opinion of it.

    Ok I read it.  Where is the conspiracy?

  5. Considering that is most likely the next phase of deconstructing our Constitution, everyone should be very concerned. The first step was the Patriot Act. Are the Bush supporters proud of themselves for this?

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