
Any one else got a leak or worse because of this weather we have in the uk?

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i woke up this morning and whilst drinking my tea (in peace coz i told the children to lie in a little bit till house warms up)i heard drip drip to then find my window letting in rain soaking my carpet p.ed off gotta pay out to get that repaired now blooming british weather xx




  1. We have been completely flooded twice in the past two years and just cant face it happening again.

    We have had some heavy rain and thunder here in surrey  today and I'm sure there is more to come but so far so good.

    I feel sorry for those that are having problems as I really do know how they feel.

  2. Not yet...fingers crossed.   Mind you I'm in Lincolnshire and the weather doesn't seem to be as bad as in other parts.  Still wet and windy though!

  3. I'm looking out of my office window here at work and I can see a conservatory roof with a glass panel that has either fallen through or been smashed in the storm.  It looks like it's carpeted too, they have (rather had) lovely blinds which are now stained and I doubt very much their ceiling light/fan now works!

  4. I've just dried out after having to mend the shed windows...they all blew out! Of course, could I find the nails? Could I ****!

  5. Fortunatly not.

    But its so windy down here !!!

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