
Any one else had problems when one changes telephone suppliers?

by Guest44844  |  earlier

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Any one else had problems when one changes telephone suppliers?




  1. Sometimes when you switch, and you keep your phone number, the previous carrier will 'forget' to remove your number from their system. In this case, you will have troubles recieving some of your calls.

  2. No when I switched it went through without any problems, who were you using and who have you switched to?

  3. we had a phone company, and decided to switch to cavalier becuz of the price. which was 40 bucks 4 internet and phone. they sent us the modem, and we installed the cd. it didn't work. i called them and said it doesn't work and they said that broad band internet doesn't work in ure area. if u knew tht, then why did u let me get it in the first place? okay. i uninstalled cavalier from my computer. i put the modem back in the box. i called and said i'd like to cancel my internet connection with u guys. they said sure. the next 8 days there was no line on my phone. i kept calling them on my cellphone and said whats wrong with my phone thing? and they said, "were not sure. it could be a wire loose." i swear thts what they said. so then a bill came in for 98.34. when the original bill was supposed to be 40 dollars. but wait, i canceled internet connection! and when i called and told them tht, they said its plus tax. what the f*** is tht supposed to mean? i don't even have f****** internet! so then we canceled. and we switched back to my old company. but cavalier wouldn't let, so we sticked with them again. my phone line came back, and we were a bit happier. /we payed our bill/ so then less then 4 days l8ter phone line cut. no internet and in less then 18 days, they sent us another bill saying tht u r paying 4 internet and phone connection (@ this point we don't have a phone line or internet connection...) we didn't pay it. and we never sent the modem back. then finally, someone agreed to my idea. we switched to wow and it was a miracle. the guy came in less then two days installed internet and phone and they even canceled cavalier for us. we also got to keep our phone number! we still have cavaliers modem and we never paid the bill. lol. its not about the money, its about how mad my dad was at them and he said i'd rather send a pile of **** to them then give them a penny. our wow bill for super-duper fast internet, and beautiful phone service is only 53 dollars a month. thts the highest. (it becomes 53 dollars when u add taxes.) i asked them how much taxes were and they said 2 dollars and 14 cents. also prices r guarantted until 2010. they gave us three refrence guides  if we have any questions about the internet and phone. switch to wow. u will love it!

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