
Any one else have days like this; been crying buckets early afternoon and on and off since?

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I was doing really well and thought I was coming out of the depression but have split with my partner (his choice) 2 weeks ago. Have been coping with it well, and first week was fine but this past week in work was not good except Friday, was like a morgue and so I had a couple of iffy days Wed & Thurs, then Friday and yesterday were fine and then today has been awful - tears first then thing went out with friends but didn't lift much so loads of tears and came home, more tears, phoned a friend and then did some writing for an hour and have now cried again. I cannot wait to get to the back of today, and hope that as there are more people in work this week it will be better. I'm not down because of the split although I have my moments, but because I'm having a low day it makes the split affect me more.

Think I may be hormonal, and because I haven't had a day as bad as this for some time it's hitting me hard.




  1. I have those days too. I was diagnosed with depression not long ago, and some days all I do is cry.

    I think you just have to ride it out. Try to keep reminding yourself that it'll get better, and when you cant do that, buy yourself something fattening to eat! That's what I do. A whole tub of Ben and Jerry's to myself!

    I also joined the gym. The exercise helps bucketloads. Puts me on a real high.  


    I am 56. When you get my age, depression is an almost daily occurence. I look at these web cams when i'm down to remind me why i still exist. Kind of dumb, i know, but it helps me.

  3. Oh yes, it is just part of the natural process of grief. These are days you must allow in yourself without feeling any weaker in the process.

    "This too, shall pass" in time, because as silly as it may sound - it will take time.

    Writing is good, doing physical activity is better - keeping yourself from falling into that pitt, is the key to survival, and if you notice low days outweigh the good - then seek some counseling to balance your objectives, and sometimes, keep your friends.

  4. Get to the doctor quick and stop suffering ASAP!

    If you had a broken leg you'd want it fixed so why not broken emotions? It might be hormonal or based around a chemical imbalance and it could be easy to fix.

    If it is a psychological problem then this has to be treated by a specialist. Leaving it and hoping it will all go away is not an option because these sorts of emotions tend to 'snowball'.

  5. I've had a very very bad day today too. My depression and anxiety has gradually gotten worse over the past 2 months, so 5 days ago I started taking fluoxetine. I was feeling really good a few days ago, was fine yesterday, but I woke up today and was absolutely awful. I couldn't eat, decide what to do with myself, felt hopeless and trapped... then I had to go to the house of an acquaintance with my mother, and as soon as we got there I felt extremely panicked and felt like I could burst into tears at any second. I didn't, but we were there for over an hour, and it was so distressing.

    So hang in there. I know what it's like... extremely painful and distressing. We'll both overcome it.

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