
Any one else hubby find you funny while on Y!A?

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My Fiance laughs almost every time I'm on Y!A. I'm always on the Newborns & Baby section and almost every time I'm on I'll be reading what other users put as an answer and gasp or tsk! Every time I make that noise he starts giggling and knows I'll be telling him what someone else wrote.

Like for example:: I read today that "family can tell when someone is family or not, and she didn't SMELL like family"




  1. haha my boyfriend laughs at me too or is like why are you reading/looking at that.


  2. Yes!  He says I'm a dork for it too.  lol    

  3. yeah my fiance thinks it's funny- he says i'm obsessed and that he can't stand to hear me typing away lol. but i can't stand to hear him yelling about his video games on Halo either

  4. My husband laughes at me too! But sometimes he will give an answer or two.

  5. oh yes my husband says things like "eww she is only 400 points away from being a level 5"  or whatever i am.....see i don't even know.  but yes i am obsessive compulsive about this site!!  i love it, and don't know i would do without it (tears....drip drip :*( LOL or is i am worried about something or wonder something then he'll be like why don't you yahoo question it.  i have caught him before using it to search answers.........

  6. My husband laughs at me too!!! He gets annoyed when I want to tell him stuff I read on

  7. Mine thinks it's cute. Sometimes we'll be talking about something related to our baby that we don't really know about and he'll say, "why don't you ask your answers people about it?" I think he likes that I can get info. from other moms about things that I'm not sure of, being a first time mom myself.  

  8. my hubby gets annoyed lol.  he says its just one more thing for me to be addicted to, and one more reason for me to be online lol.  

  9. hubby laughs at me too. He says I'm addicted to yahoo answers...

    BUT...he just made an account and even went through the trouble of making an avatar to answer a question.

    LOLOLOL....He's been sucked into the drama......MUAHAHAHA

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