
Any one else on the two week wait?

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ahhh its driving me crazy! Is anyone else on the two week wait with me? I just ovulated on the 6th and i'm already wondering..Just looking to chat with someone who is in the same situation...




  1. I am also waiting! I had an HSG done two months ago and they told me that I have a higher chance of getting pregnant in the next three months! Last month my hubby was out of town, I am hoping this is the month!! Good luck to all :)

  2. Im sooooooo looking forward to the end of this 2ww! It's got to be the worst time waiting! Im 6 dpo today and have been feeling bloated and slighly nauseous since 3-4dpo, but I might put that down to the pre-natals I've been taking. Apart from sleepless nights and back aches, I feel pretty much normal so am trying not to get my hopes up too high. Am hoping that August is the month for both me and you though :]

    Edit x3: Third time lucky, haha! I had it set to private before but have changed it - email away! :]

    Edit again! : Interesting to see we're both aged 20! Hoping this will be a help in it all. Please let me know how you get on! I'm with you on this one! Have also added you to my contacts, hope you don't mind.

    Edit: This is just our first month trying and we've really let nature run its course this time round. Definately plan to use OPK next time round if we have been unsucessful this cycle. We looked into pre-seed too but only really thought about this after I ovulated so we were out of time! Again, something I would definately consider. I urge you to stay positive as its so early. This is the advice I've been given as its only natural to want to look for every little sign and symptom each day. I reckon I could become obsessive if I allowed myself to be! Here's blessing us both with baby dust!!

  3. I'm 14dpo and got a BFN yesterday (though I've made it to 16dpo before sooo).

    I hate it cause I feel AF coming...I just don't feel optimistic this month...

    We've been ttc for 5months now.

    Congrats to Shanon!  

  4. I just got my positive on wed. I had to wait 10 days after my missed period to get my first positive!

  5. just started my 2 week wait as i ovulated on the 7th or the 8th

  6. Me too~!

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