
Any one else with these symptoms..??

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I got my last AF on july 26th. Have a 35 day cycle. Have been having intercourse frequently. AF is due Aug 30th. Had some cramping last week end. HPT this morning came back with a BFN. I am sad but also know that it may be too early. Anyone else sailing in the same boat.. !!!




  1. AF due 26/27 Aug, I have mild cramping (on & off) 2 weeks ago. Will test this Sat & hope this is our month. Baby dust to all

  2. I am! I'm due for my period Thursday or Friday. I know I ovulated on day 13 of my cycle thanks to my fertility monitor, and these last few days are killing me. I tested yesterday and got a BFN. I know it's very possible it was too early, it probably was. As the lady above said, many women don't test positive till missing their period. My best friend tested negative with First Response until 8 days after missing, then finally got a positive. So the levels of hCG do vary greatly. It can actually take up to 2 wks or a month after missing for some women to get a positive result. If ovulation is confirmed, and your period does not arrive, obviously something's up. I'm waiting to test till I do actually miss (hopefully I do) My b***s are just throbbing, but I am losing hope cause I have really bad cramps today :( Hopefully this will be the lucky month for us all!!! Lots of baby dust for us!!!

  3. im trying to conceive as well i was 12 days late and the day of my papsmere i got what i think is my period but was weird is that it only lasted 3 days and with no cramps. ive heard you can have your period and still be pregnant good luck to you  hope were pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I'm currently 8 days late and I know exactly how you feel! I've kind of given up on August being my month, but am staying positive and hopeful for September :] I've tested BFN since 10dpo - I'm truly a self-confessed obsessive compulsive home tester!! I also don't "feel pregnant" which leads me to believe I'm unusually late due to stress this time around.

    Many women don't show up positive on urine tests until the day of, or even several days after their missed period. Stay positive for that BFP!!

    Wishing you the best of luck :] xx

  5. Last month I went through sort of the same thing. I had some cramping and then came along nausea and frequent urination, but it wasn't before long AF showed up!

    Hmm..but then again It is definitely possible that you tested too early! Don't give up! Best of luck to you! :)  

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