
Any one experience a stretching feeling on their stomach?

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the only way i know how to explain it is that if you ever tore your hamstring or a muscle it has this stretching painful feeling. Well I've been having this feeling for a while now but only on my left side on my belly. I'm 35 weeks prego and it just feels like the pain is just getting worse. there are times when it puts me in a dead stop and i have to bend over cause it hurts so bad. it hurts when i bend over to pick something up from the floor or even when i go to lay down in bed. Is it possible that I could be over stretching something on my left side? It feels like it's inside too not just the skin. I asked my doctor about it and he did a ultra sound and said everything looks okay and that the only thing that was in that area was her hands. When i do get this whole belly will tighten up too. any advice or ideas?




  1. possiably braxton hicks contractions, ask your doctor though.

  2. It really sounds like contractions.. maybe just stronger on one side. If you are really concerned call your doctor and tell them about your symptoms. Good luck and congrats!

  3. maybe contraction?? just feeling the pain on one side.  I'm sorry thats the only thing I can think of.

  4. I have had this for every pregnancy I've had (3). What your feeling is your baby making room for him/her self. On the out side your probably feeling what will be a stretch mark. On the inside it's probably your muscles stretching were there not used to. I don't know about you but for me it's a burning, sharp, tearing. But after my kids were born it all went back to norm, except my wonderful stretch marks. Unfortunately there's not much you can do except try to relax, practice your lamaze, and wait it out

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