
Any one got any tips on living on my own for the first time?

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I am moving out on my own on the 1st. And I would like any tips on being on my own




  1. Well for starters, groceries cost an arm and a leg. I don't know if you know how to cook, but if you don't learn really quick. Eating out cost an arm and two legs. There are some really simple cookbooks available from your local library. If you don't like leftovers the day after, freeze them. If you need furniture Goodwill, yardsales, craigslist and coworkers are great choice. Or do what I did convince your parents they need new furniture, and take the old stuff off their hands. Try to see your parents ever 2 weeks, my mom always has a goodie bag for me and hubby. if you need long distance phone plans signup for vonage,you do need high speed internet though, but you save a lot. After you intro cable offer is over call them and ask them if they have any other specials. my favorite i learned from daddy, shut off the light if you aren't using it. I live in a 1 bedroom apt with hubby and we pay $30 in electric every month. My boss lives in a 2 bedroom by himself and use $10 in electricity, so it really pays to turn off stuff you aren't using.

    Dont put you name on the door, or the mailbox. Make sure parents have a key in case of emergency. Don't invite strange people over. Gosh, there are so many depending on what sort of stuff you want to know.

  2. Spend your money wisely; it's gonna cost more than you think it will, especially at first.

  3. Do not take out personal loans or payday loans EVER unless it is the very very last resort.  

    Use a credit card, and pay your credit card statement in full every month to build credit.  

    Put some kind of alarm system on your front door; you can get a cheap one at home depot.  

    Befriend your neighbors.

    If you're walking in a sketchy area by yourself, be on your cellphone.  Even if you're pretending to be on it, at least have the cellphone up to your ear, so no one will approach you.

    Set budgets (grocery, gas, entertainment)  based on your income and rent/utilities, and do not go over your budget.

    Try to save $1000 in a savings account to be used only for emergencies.

    Do not move in with a boyfriend/girlfriend too soon.

    lol... these are tips from mistakes either I or one of my friends have made since being on our own.  

    Good luck!

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