
Any one got video of a railroad torpedo in action?

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Any one got video of a railroad torpedo in action?




  1. There really wouldn't be much to film.A torpedo was a little square of explosive about 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches with a metal strip to secure it to the ball of the rail.When a train wheel ran over it it went BANG. They were put down in pairs as a signal to stop your train.We don't use them anymore Rango reading your post brought back memories.One night years ago a female conductor we had called me from the caboose and told me to stop the train that we had just run over torpedo's.When i got done laughing i told her to go back to sleep.I finally had to tell her that the 220 axles would have set them off long before the caboose got to them.

  2. No

    But like most railroaders we all have stories about them.

    All you would see in action is a small flash and quite a large puff of smoke.

    Give railroaders access to explosive devices and too much free time and things are going to happen.

    For instance I know the if you stack 6 of them up in a little pyramid 3 high and the track patrolman hits them it will almost tip his motor car over and he will be very very hard to get along with for quite some time.

    I know if a great big half crazy machinist straps one to the bottom of a knuckle pin and drops it from shoulder high in a lunch room everybody ducks under the table and the BANG!! is deafening in an enclosed room and lunch is pretty much over.

    I know a switchman that put several dozen on the rail while the sherrif's deputies where looking for an escaped prisoner in the yard and then he kicked a car down the track.

    He might have went to jail for that but it was sure funny, I didnt know who did it until years later over a beer. LOL

    I have lots of memories but no videos, sorry.

  3. I think that'll be a tough one to find.

    Torpedoes are warning devices used under a very narrow set of circumstances and when placed are usually left unattended.  When running, they are next to impossible to see before being exploded.

    Their use is provided for under strict rules and their use at other times when not prescribed is strictly forbidden.  Were I a betting man, I'd guess that outside of a training video you'll not find what you're looking for.

    Secondarily, torpedoes are clamped onto the rail with formidable metal strips.  Of course when the torpedo explodes, that metal goes flying and becomes a dangerous projectile.  This, on top of being an explosive device is what keeps their use to a minimum.  Consequently, if one should be found, it should be left alone if you want to keep your fingers on your hands, eyesight or ear drums.

  4. Torpedoes are not in use anymore, and I've never saw a video on it. The railroad I work for stores old locomotives for a private dealer. One came in last week that still had torpedoes in the cab. As I was yarding my train last Wednesday, those clowns I work with put 5 of 'em on the track. For a moment, I thought someone was shooting at me. But they tease the ones they like. It would be a good job if they didn't like me so much.

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