
Any one had a uti? I am confused?

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I was told tonight i had a uti, but i have no pain and no signs, what were your signs of it? Also How do you get it? I haven't been dirty or anything I am kind of shocked and confused. They put me on a med but i don't think i have it because a lot of my friends that have had it were in a ton of pain and i have non what so ever. Any one know anything about this? (sorry if it is gross i am just confused on how and what it is really)

Thank you everyone!




  1. A Urinary Tract Infection is:

    A bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common kind of infection affecting the urinary tract. Urine, or pee, is the fluid that is filtered out of the bloodstream by the kidneys. Urine contains salts and waste products, but it doesn't normally contain bacteria. When bacteria get into the bladder or kidney and multiply in the urine, a UTI can result.

    Also a lot of my friends have had it too and they had pain in their lower back and sides. You might have gotten it early. Take care of it now if you can before it gets to bad.

  2. I've never had a UTI, but I have been checked twice to see if I did.

    Most people have no pain, just constant urination and cloudy or dark urine. A blood test will also show whether you have a UTi or not. Even though you haven't been having s*x, you can still get a UTI: If you wipe from the back to the front you can get one; if you prolong the urge to go to the bathroom you can get one, and also not drinking enough water.

  3. go to   or en,

  4. Not everyone gets the symptoms at the beginnings of one.

    I have had more than I care to say of the UTI, bladder, and kidney infections. As a matter of fact I am just getting over kidney infection.

    It is best to get these taken care of at the beginning because they can become quite painful overtime.

    You can get them from fecal matter getting into that area. You may not be wiping properly and some contamination getting into that area, not peeing after s*x can cause it too. Peeing helps flush it out.

    I suggest in the future to take cranberry tablets. The cranberry juice contains too much sugar and the buggers like to feed off of it.

    Also Colloidal Silver heals up an infections very quick without the need of heavy antibiotics.

    I hope it goes away soon.

  5. The early signs are having to pee a lot, mild burning when peeing, cloudy pee, feeling like you have to pee but when you try to you can't.  If they did a urine test on you, they can see if a UTI is brewing.  It may be in the early stages to where you're not really feeling anything.  It often comes in girls from wiping from back to front and some of the anal germs and vaginal germs get in the urethra (which isn't in the v****a - it's above it).  Also from holding pee too long and being dehydrated can help with the above.

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