
Any one had strange side effects with the migraine drug Immetrex?

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I found out from my doctor that I was having migraines when I thought they were just sinus headaches. He prescribed me Immetrex and I tried it for the first time yesterday. When my migraine was only about a 6 on a scale of 1-10 it instantly became a 10. I also experienced a burning sensation in the back of my head, it felt like lactic acid was building up or something (like after you run for a while.) Any one else had similar side effects while using Immetrex?




  1. Yes!  However I used Zomig for migraines.  They are the same kind of drug, as they both belong to the 'triptan' family. (Zomig=zolmitriptan; Imitrex=sumatriptan)  I took Zomig for a migraine that was probably an 8 and it became worse.  I started running a fever of 101*, I broke out in a rash on my arms and chest, my head felt like it was going to explode and I don't remember anything about the rest of that day!  I now take Migquin for my migraines or hydrocodone if I want to sleep the migraine off.  I also now tell doctors I am allergic to Zomig so they don't try to prescribe me something within the same drug family (like Imitrex) for something else, unrelated to migraines.  This might be TMI, but I hope it helps!

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