
Any one have a scary story

by  |  earlier

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True or made up on the spot True=ghosts

Made up=monsters ghouls fake ghosts




  1. one day there was a family sitting at the

    dinner table & eating dinner.

    the father stood up and said, "excuse me

    for a second. i have to go check something

    in the attic."

    a couple of minutes passed and they all saw

    a knife go through the ceiling and drops of

    red come out.

    they all shreiked in horror and the mom

    quickly stood up and said, "kids stay down

    here, whatever you do, stick together! unless

    im not back in 5 minutes come upp there."

    the mother ran upstaires leaving the children

    shaking in fear. moments later, the kids

    see a larger knife stick through the edge of

    the ceiling leaving marks of red on it.

    the kids hugged each other and cried in fear.

    the older childl, the son carefully told his sister

    what to do, "ashley, you stay downstaires. dont

    go anywhere with anyone. stay down here until

    i come for you. & if i upstaires to help

    us. & cal 911."

    the daughter nodded, eyes wide with terror

    watching her brother walk up into the


    she waited a couple of minutes suddenly seeing

    the biggest knife yet, a silver sharp knife with

    droplets of red hanging off of it.

    the girl screamed and ran up the staires.


    she saw the whole family sitting there &


    "sorry that we gave you such a fright, darling."

    the father exclaimed.

    "i was going to tell you guys that we had fresh

    super hard shelled watermelon to cut."

    mother nodded in approval. in the end the family sat down in the

    attic chopping watermelon all night.

    with fresh red watermelon juice dripping from

    the ceiling.

    the endd.:D

  2. Little Bobby was 10 years old and had never been home alone late at night. The reason for it Bobby wasnt really sure. But one night his mom had to work really late at the office. before leaving she instructed him-at night when you get tired before you go to bed you MUST shut and lock all the windows. do not leave any1 of the windows open or unlocked. Bobby said he understood and told his mother to have no worries. i mean after all he WAS 10! so at around 10 0r 11 Bobby started getting very tired and decided to go to bed. before he went to bed he shut and locked all the windows like his mother had instructed. as he was getting into bed he remembered that he hadnt shut the basement window. but he said -oh its just 1 window! what could happen? anyways, its just the basement window. so he went to bed. about an hour or so later he woke up to a drip! drip! drip! so he went into the bathroom and checked the faucet and turned it extra tight so it wouldnt leak anymore. again he went back to bed only after putting his hand under his bed to see if his dog was still there. it licked him and all was well and he fell back to sleep. about 2hrs later he woke up again to a drip drip drip this time we went into the kitchen to check that faucet. once again he went back to bed but not before putting his hand under his bed to make sure his dog was still there. once again it licked him. all was well. about 2hrs later he was woken up AGAIN by a drip drip drip so he rwent into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain and what did he see?!!??!?!!!! his puppy. had been cut up and hung and his blood was dripping off him-drip drip drip drip- now truely scared and regretting that he had not followed his mother simple instructions-close and lock all the windows-he ran back into his room and looked under his bed and what did he see! the scariest creature he had ever seen! it was have man and wolf. with a possom like tale and other scary features! that night was the last night anyone heard anything from Bobby EVER again!!! Though it is said that  he still comes back at night to try and repent of his sin of not obeying his mother.

  3. There is a place where all of the inhabitants judge one another and are very racist and cruel. This place is called Earth. The End. =)

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