
Any one have any suggestions on how to stop a 10 year old from stealing?

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10 year old is my grandson and he has in the past stoled money out of his mother's purse, sweets out of the cubbard, and now he has taken another boy's watch and stoled money from another person. Now sure what I can do to get through to him. He says he knows it was wrong but he still does it. Please help with any suggestions.




  1. I think you should start stealing his stuff if you don't want to beat his a**. He'll feel bad and realize how others feel when he steals their stuff. But he should definitely get the belt for taking money from his mother's purse. can shave off all his hair and eyebrows like my dad did when he caught my little brother smoking. He looked like a cancer patient and got picked on really bad at school. If you do this he'll definitely think back to it the next time he's tempted to steal. You have to show these kids that you can be  crazy at times..

  2. cut his hand off

  3. I don't think stealing stuff out of a cubbard is that bad unless he was clearly told not to do it, but stealing stuff from other people and his mom is VERY bad. You need to make him take everything back to the rightful owner and everytime he takes someone else's stuff take an item of his that he loves alot if you don't want to whip him. Also if he gets allowence then you should tell his parents to cut him off from money. You should also take him to a kids' jail and show him what it's like there so he will be afraid to steal cause he knows where he will end up. Also you should tell him the negative effects of stealing

    Hope I Helped :)

  4. Call the police.

  5. Beat his A.s.s

  6. I hate to tell you this, but he needs counseling, and he needs it soon. He knows the difference between right and wrong and yet he is choosing to steal. There are some serious underlying issues.... he is not a happy child. If you don't resolve this VERY SOON, he could end up being anti-social / sociopath. Please get him to a very good child psychiatrist and have him tested and evaluated. He needs intervention ASAP.

  7. Reward and punishment.  Punish him by taking his favorite items away when he steals (you could even sell them off so that he can relate to how he makes others feel to lose their possessions).  If he goes a whole month without any trouble, reward him with a trip to the zoo or a movie date with a friend or something.

  8. Explain to him that if he keeps doing this jail is the outcome. Try having him do little chores around the house and give him a few dollars for his work. that way he earn the money and he'll feel good about using his wn money that he earned, and he wont have to steal to get money anymore... becuse he earned his own. Good luck!

  9. Any time he steals,he needs to give the item back and apologize in person. My 9 year old stole a bag of beads from Hobby Lobby. I made her talk to the manager and give them back. She was so embarrassed, she hasn't done it since.

  10. Its time to get tough with him embrass him and get tough with him.

    Take everything away that he enjoys -  Remove everthing from his room.

    First by a harness?

    Second make a sign that reads "I am a thief" - Make him carry it.

    Take him to school with the harness on and take the sign away and take the harness off and let him go into school.

    Pick him up from school - Put the harness back on him and and give him the sign to carry.

    When he gets home from school - He goes directly to his room - Does his homework and the only time he can leave his room is to go to the bathroom or to eat.

    On weekends he spends the time in his room.

    He steals Punished.

  11. I'm so sorry.   He's still young and his brain is still developing.  If I were ten years old, the fear of jail would scare me into quitting.  Because if it doesn't stop NOW, it could become worse stealing, like cars, cash at his job, peoples homes, etc.  Maybe it is deeper than we think, like a compulsion, a need, or peer pressure.  A counselor or psychologist could help to understand him better.

    Best of luck.

  12. Hmmm.... usually stealing is because children are separated from one of the parents, I'm not sure if that's the case but its just something I read about. I used to be a little thief myself, I couldn't stop until I finally got caught lol. I was so ashamed I never did it again. I think you should tell him if you catch him doing it again you will take him to jail. I'm not sure where you live, but I'm sure if you called your local precinct they wouldn't mind you coming in and scaring your grandson straight a bit ;) You can have a police officer talk to him if theyre not busy. I know it seems like a lot of work, but I think you need to show him the consequences of stealing, so that he really gets the idea.

  13. i would show him the shows on television that show the kids that do bad things, that end up in " kid jail"... or either that, or see if you can do a tour at the local juvenial hall with your grandson, and maybe that would scare him into stopping what he is doing... if that doesn't work, than tell him in other countries, they cut off people's hands for stealing.. that is true in india..

  14. I'll assume your family celebrates Christmas.   This year , he gets nothing, then explain that thieves get nothing for Christmas.

  15. Take him to the police station and talk to them, maybe they can do a "scared straight" program with him. When I was 7, I took a candy bar from a store shelf. My dad made me take it back to the store, talk to the manager, give it back, and pay for it out of my own pocket. Then we went to the police station and he talked to a desk cop. I went to the bathroom because I was nervous, and while I was in there he talked to the officer. He asked if they had a few minutes to talk to me about how stealing was wrong and to scare me from doing it again. When I came out, they "arrested" me, cuffed me, and took me in the back and sat in a holding cell with me for a few minutes and told me what I did was wrong. Then they let me go and I learned my lesson.

  16. c all the police..let him have a visit at he local jail house...have him be arrested...perhaps that will stop it all..some times you have to scare them straight

  17. Ok so what i would do is....Make your grandson give back what ever he takes to that person. Then make him say sorry. It will put him on the spot and he prob wont like that feeling.   If like most He wont steal again. Lol my mom did this to me when i was young. She did it one time and i stopped. So hope it works for you. Good luck!!!

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