
Any one have kids late in life? Im 41 and my bf is 50...oops!! Tell me about your experience?

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Just want to know if there are people out there who got pregnant late in life? We thought we were done having kids and oops!! Just wondering how your experience was raising a child at an older it harder? Did you enjoy it? I have a 7 yr old right now and my baby is due any day. Any suggestions would be great!




  1. My grandparents had my mom when they were 43 (my mom came from a large Greek family). My mom had me when she was 26, and my grandparents were still able to play with me, and they even took me to Greece every summer.

    I can't tell you anything useful about the first few years, but I can tell you that my grandparents were very vital and energetic in their sixties and seventies. They could outrun most 30-y/olds and were able to do projects on their house until their mid-eighties. They are now in their nineties, and they are still very alert and more able than many people who are sixty. In fact, they always ask when I'm bringing my step daughter over to show her their garden.

    Stay active, take good care of your body and your health, and don't let yourself think that you are old

  2. well, some women start families at your age (halle berry, Jennifer lopez, nicole kidman...sorry, hollywood women, but they are in the media) so I'm sure things will be fine. Also, your 7 year old isn't crazy far. I started my family at 22 (my son is 6 months and I'm expecting my 2nd 7 months from now...I know super close, not and I've said several times, it would be just as wonderful and hard as if I was older.

  3. I'm 15 years old and my mom is 42, she had by baby sister last year. she will be a year old in like two weeks. my mom says that she enjoys it and it less, uhm rushy? with me my mom was so excited for me to, walk, talk. go to school, ect. but sense this is her last one she is really savoring it. I'm sure you're seven year old with have a fanstic bond with you're baby sence of there age difference. there isnt really much of a diffence of it being harder or not.

    congrats! :)

  4. I didn't have my children later in life but I do have a grandchild that I keep quite often and she wears my butt out. She is 7. Once a week I keep a now 3 month old and have since birth, I can handle her without a problem but I don't know what I am going to do when she gets mobile.

    As long as you are in good physical shape, enjoy having fun and take plenty of vitamins you should be okay. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it and be sure to take time for yourself.

  5. My mother was 41 when she had me. When I got a little older, around 10 or so I kind of resented my friends that had young parents that could play with them and do stuff. I was 34 when I had my daughter and I think she sort of felt the same way. She wanted me to play dolls with her all the time and I just didn't have the imagination anymore to do that.

  6. Congratulations on the baby :)

    Well, My parents had two children later in life. Her pregnancy with the two of them was awful. One sister was born when my mom was 43 and my dad was 46.  My other sister was born three years later, my mom being 46 and my dad being 49. There are 12 and 15 years difference between me those sisters, but I also have 2 other sisters close to my age. It's almost like my parents are raising two differnt families. My mom does find it a lot harder being in her late 40's and having two young daughters along with 3 teenage daughters. She also gets a lot of criticism for it. But it is all worth it to my mom and I'm glad I have them as well!

    Good Luck With The New Baby!

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