
Any one have tips how to avoid getting sick in Guatemala?

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  1. well thats a werd Q but i can help just stay away from stuff you dont think that look right and make sure that you stay in good shape..

                         Good Luck! <(^.^)>

  2. Don't go!

  3. Of course it is good to start out with shots.  After that water is the most likely thing to get sick from.  Either buy bottled water, soda, boiled water (like tea) or bring along water purification drops/purifier.  NEVER drink water from a tap and on that note, stay away from ice cubes too.  Lastly, street vendors are often the culprit when people get sick in Guatemala.  Locals tend to not wash their hands before preparing food, so it can carry a lot of disease.  If you want to really avoid getting sick stay away from the street vendors, although I personally take the risk and eat the food, cause it is worth the occasional bout of diarrhea to me.  Oh, and because you will inevitably get sick at some point, make sure to bring antacids (chewable pepto bismol work great) and start to take them the second you feel a little off.  I have also heard you can take 4 a day as preventative medicine, but haven't tried it personally.

  4. I too live in Guatemala, Quetzaltenango to be exact and have been here for 7 years working with tourists and Spanish Schools for the past 10 year.  All of the above ideas will surely help you but one thing I know for sure is...if you spend an extended time in Guatemala you will get stomach sick not matter how hard you try to eat and drink ONLY the right things.  

    Getting sick is NOT the end of the world or the end of your fun in Guatemala.  Most stomach ailments can be cured in as little as 48 hours if you are smart and take action right away.

    #1 - Do NOT wait have a stool sample tested at the first sign of diarrhea. The cost in Xela is Q35 = $5.00 and takes less than 1 hour to get the results.   The diarrhea will not go away by waiting.

    #2 - Take the sample results to a doctor - cost $10.00 for a consultation. The doc will tell you if you have parasites, stomach infection...ect.  The doc will also tell you what you can take and for how long.

    #2.5 - By pass the doc and take the results directly to the pharmacy as perscriptions are not needed and most pharmacists can read the results and tell you want you have and what to take.

    #3 - Buy the antibiotic treatment necessary to rid yourself of the bug you have.  Most of the time  the treatment is 7 days of pills, some ailments are cured by 2 or 4 pills taken every 12 hours.  

    I have had just about every bug possible, I eat street food, cerviche is one of my favorites.  I can not imagine not eating what I want so if you are like me just know how to get cured and enjoy your trip!!

    Tom at

  5. Hey hun, I live in Guatemala and here are some basic tips for tourists:

    Don't drink the water!  Only bottled water!  --  Don't even brush your teeth with the faucet water!

    No eating food off the side of the street, those stands smell good and the food is great, but unless you have a stomach of steal, you could get sick!

    Even be careful in which resturants you eat at... if you get sick easy and your stomach can't handle much, ask around before eating at a certain place or go to highly visited tourist resturants!

    No Ceviche! Might taste good, but it can make you ill.

    Wash your hands constantly, and it might be a good idea to take a hand sanatizer along as well.  

    Hope you have fun on your trip!

  6. Go to your doctor get the shots you need. The doctor knows which ones you need........Then ask him/her what you should watch out for.

  7. Dont drink the water from the faucet, water fountain or anywhere. Just drink bottled water.If you dont you will get diarrhea and you will get it bad because most countries down there dont treat there water properly and it can make you sick.

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