
Any one here French?

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Just wondering...............




  1. suis anglais mais j'habite a paris

  2. I'm french too.............why?

  3. Talat, blanket statements about entire countries based on politicizing history is a fool's game, and intellectually dishonest at best. Show me someone who suggests that there's a country on earth whose history is squeaky clean (or even remotely close for that matter), and/or that their country has always been forthright and honest about its mistakes, and I'll show you someone who's full of you-know-what. This is not a political forum, and you're engaging in France-bashing since you're using those incidents to represent the country as a whole. For your sake and for the sake of others please look into taking up a different hobby.

  4. Yep, I'm French.

    Ze accent alwayz give me away

  5. oui moi ! :-)

  6. I'm french, I live in the US though

  7. Oh, i'm afraid i've just read something horrible among these answers. I'd like to tell one of the people answering above me, have YOU ever been to France ???

    You refer to New Zealand, i'd like to tell you something, I'm 100% French, i live in France, but please can you have a look at my screen name?

    I spent 5 months in New Zealand, and , FORTUNATELY i didn't meet anyone like you, and as i went to both countries ( I am not sure you did this as well .... )I was welcomed by very charming, open-minded and trully sincere people.I am able to compare both countries, and i'd like to tell you that i totally disagree with your statements. Indeed, the whole people of NZ does NOT systematically think of Rainbow Warrior when they meet french people. They're not intrusive, nor unpolite and they never lacked respect towards me, unlike you...

    Another point i'd like to underline, you may hate french people, but as a french citizen, i am proud to say that i don't judge individuals according to the political system their country belong to. I don't categorize people, put them and divide them into boxes, and i don't make fun or judge things their country did , because i know there's nothing to do with the intrinsic qualities of their citizens. I don't know where you come from, but for instance ( yes, i say , for EXAMPLE ) if you were american, i wouldn't tell you that you're a stupid arrogant person who wants to dominate the world without any awareness of the damages you may cause, because that's what i think about the politics but NOT about each individual in the USA. If you were British, i wouldn't tell you that you're stupid enough to believe a Queen is a divine person who's better than the others and this because i'm pretty sure that every morning she's going to the toilets and has got a poo just like every human being.

    And do you know why i would never dare to say such horrible things ? ( by the way if you feel shocked by what i've just written above, feel free to recognize that it's not worse than what YOU wrote in your answer about french people ... ) I repeat, do you know why i wouldn't ? Because i view political decisions as totally different from what the people of a country would feel.  Because one person or a couple of them might be supposed to represent what a whole nation would expect, but very often, they DO NOT, and this because of money or personal interests, which is also very often typical to western developped countries , from where you also certainly come.

    To all the readers , i apologize for my bad english, i'm currently making lots of efforts to learn about other languages, cultures and countries, which is apparently not the same for everyone. And i also apologize for the lenght of this answer, but as a honnest person, i couldn't have left a comment such as this person above me without trying to convince people reading him that Frenchies are not only what he's just horribly depicted in such a cheesy and ridiculous way. I respect every nation because i believe we all have great qualities, and our differences make the world be so beautiful. Cheers!

  8. J'ai american

    parlez vous francais ?

  9. haha i wish.. american :/

    some horrible french up there.

  10. I'm French. :)

  11. jai parle Francaise.

  12. Je suis Francaise mais j'habite a Auckland en Nouvelle Zelande.

    @I CaLL Nz HoMe!: Great post, it's awesome to see people like you on Yahoo Q/A. I also call NZ my home now :)
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