
Any one here from Germany?

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i am not 100% german but my Oma is from Germany, anyone here have an Oma or is German?




  1. I was born over dad was in the Army and my mom is full-blooded German.  My Omi is dead now, but I remember her fondly and my time spent over there.  I still have aunts, uncles, and cousins that I keep in touch with, too.  One day I'd love to go back and take my husband.  He's never left the US.  Ahhh, now I'm into reminiscing again.  =)

  2. nope. eins. lol that's the only word i know in german and deutchland lol.

  3. I am German. I grew up in a town close to Stuttgart.

  4. Yeah, here! I am German. 100% pure lol.

  5. I'm german (from Wuppertal) and live in the US since summer 2005

  6. Well I am not German, but I have lived in Germany for over 16 years. I have a German family over there now. I am not talking about children and a wife or girlfriend. I mean I was adopted by a German family when I lived there. I will be going back in February 07. That's where my home is.

  7. I am a German, I am born in Berlin and live in Dresden right now to finish my studies, however I consider myself to be more an international person as I have lived in the US, Finland and New Zealand, I love travelling and have been and have friends all over the world (not everywhere ---> yet hihi)

    if you have any questions considering my beautiful home country feel free to ask me

    greets Anne

  8. Im %100 German. Spent the last 4 years in Mannheim. My Family tree goes back to Bavaria and Baden Baden into the 1500's. Nice country, I miss germany.... :(

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