
Any one here that deals with a Leo who is constantly blaming you and exaggerating?

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I have noticed that Leos always naturally look to blame someone when something goes wrong. Even if that person is not at fault they still point at them. They exaggerate their loss(sometimes they don't lose at all) and stubbornly stick to their point of view. Never accepting their mistakes and faults due to pride.

This can be very frustrating and intolerable. If anyone here can relate to this I would like to ask how do you deal with this? how do you react to them if they point the finger at you?




  1. Yes...I divorced him.

    Just saying. That was my solution. Not necessarily yours.

    Cap Sun

    **Just because one Leo is that way , doesn't mean they all are.

    Just like, just because one Sag is a babbling jack@ss doesn't mean they all are. That one Sag just might be REALLY slow at learning not to s***w with people...**

  2. Not at all ! ... my leo is an angel ! ... or maybe its because my little leo [ my little brother ] is only 2 .... aww c**p now I know what to look out for in the future !  

  3. Yep. One of my best friends is like that. She likes to exaggerate things I do wrong and blab about them to other people, making me look bad.

    I'm a virgo, and I just let it go. I try to limit my time with her and keep her happy by keeping up with her expections. Which isnt much. She likes a phone call here and there and to stay the night at my house occasionaly.

  4. What the h**l? I could have sworn you said LEO and not VIRGO. d**n she needs to get over her obsession with virgos.. and i thought we already told you jamie isnt available!! So get over her already! Move the %uck on!

    Anyway friend, Yes that is what leos are all about, Exaggeration and drama. If you're the laid back type a gemini then dont bother with that leo. some leos are laid back but obviously you're dealing with one that isnt. I've delt with this type of leo. You catch them in a lie but no matter what they still lie and try to prove you wrong. I would just look them in the eye and say calmly "We both know you are lying" Then ignore them. That will set them over the edge.

  5. yep they can act like virgos at me me me..

    Criticising when you do not agree


    known plenty leos who wanted attention so badly that they really got pissed off when ignored and acted like pussicats : virgos.

    No need to hide : I do not have much affection for virgos in general..some individual are excluded of course !!

  6. Isabelle- WTF are you talking about??  Nobody asked about Virgos.  I'm flattered that I seem to have such an inpact on your life.  But really, it's only the internet.  You need to get over it.  If I thought for one second that my leaving this site would somehow make you happy, I would do it.  But you will be a miserable old cow either way.  Is there any wonder why your only friend won't have anything to do with you?  You do realise that one of my contacts answered the question so of course I saw it.  I almost felt sorry for you.  But the truth is you are your own worst enemy.  You attacked Hsi like you are attacking me now.  You try to play  the victim but then you post something like this.  

    Unlike you, I am actually interested in astrology.  That is why we are here... to talk about astrology, share our knowledge and learn from others.  Why don't you try doing that for a change?  

  7. it's kind of tough to debate a leo. after all, they are a fixed fire sign and they are extremely stubborn. i do agree with you that leos like to exaggerate but then again leo is the sign of drama, grandiose and the overdone. there can also be a sense of arrogance and selfishness that many of the time, leos don't see in themselves. this can be a huge turnoff for most people. leos also have a problem with losing so they really have a hard time accepting loss or failure. when confronted with such a situation with a leo, you just got to stand up to them. that's all you can really do. although the leos feelings may be hurt in the end, the fact of the matter is leos need to know when they are wrong and take responsibility and that seems to be a huge weakness for them.

  8. everyone has a tendency to blame others---it's the degree you take it to.....

    leos may exaggerate--that is the nature of fire, but they usually have a pretty good grasp of everything

  9. I'm a Leo. Take the good with the bad, Everyone's happy when the Leo entertains them and makes them smile and laugh. But just don't criticize us on what we consider our specialties. If it has many faults sit us down and tell us in a tactful way. We do stick to our opinions, maybe because we don't people to see we are easily swayed. But we are only stubborn when we feel we are right. My family and friends deal with me the right way when I'm angry. Basically because most of them are fire and air signs.

    If you don't like their attitude tell them. In a kind way. Leo's hate liars, that's why we always tell the truth.

    Good Luck

  10. The problem with them is they think too much of themselves.They are dumb and their pride refuses to accept the truth.They are not originally talented.They are just hard workers. Thats why when they get defeated they are under a compulsion to put the blame on others.They are show-offs of the zodiac.They can be hypocrites who claim themselves to have achieved so much when they are actually ordinary people.

    They love to take credit for others' ideas and achievements.If everything is fine they would say"its all my idea and I led the team to win"(actually the contribution of  Leo would be nothing).But when something goes wrong they would say "its because of somebody else".I always wonder "how do they manage to be so dumb and irrational".

    Before they point their the finger at me I would have already noticed all their flaws and weaknesses.Coz I know who they are.Before they start I would start the argument and always outwit them with my startling logic.Its actually easy to outwit a Leo because they are insecure people pretending to be confident.Also they aren't smart enough to substantiate their ideas with logic.They just beat around the bush.

  11. my mom and daughter are leos....need i say more...

    cant do anything!!!!!!!!!! :)

  12. leos see themselves as king of the jungle ,and every thing else .they won't change much.if honest ,open communication doesn't work . it might be a case of put up or ship out .

    ps what's ur sign? other fire signs deal with them ok ,but water signs might have more problems.

  13. LEO.

    Often their outward gregariousness masks sense of insecurity and co-dependency needs.  

    Kind of cagey.  

    Attempting to deflect blame and always on the hunt to absolve themselves of shortcomings.  

    Attempting to plant deliberate disinformation like the Clinton-esque kind of way.  

    It's always someone else's fault -- if only the leo hadn't been caught red-handed.

    Always something there to blame others.  

    Thereby, creating more resentment and dislike, disloyalty, contempt for themselves.  

    All in all, the whole chart should be examined for deciphering propensities.  

    As well as full compatibility charts of the both persons to see who brings out the best and who brings out the worst in each other!

    That's the best way to do it.

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