
Any one know about starting a business with teaching a skill?

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i have decided to start my own business in teaching quilting is this a good idea




  1. Susanne Z just gave you a brilliant answer.

    Here's why: affilliate programs (especially in "niche" areas--and quilting is considered a "niche" market) have hundreds of other like-minded marketer's who are constantly looking for new products to sell. This exponentially multiplies your marketing effort for the book---in other words--gives you hundreds of "salespeople" vs. you marketing alone.

    Affiliates work best for you when they receive 20-30% of the sales price--so take that in consideration.

    To expand the "starting a business" idea... (let's go the inexpensive route first)

    if you open a shop (what we call a "brick-and-mortar business) there will be overhead, insurance, etc., and it will take a while to reach the "breakeven point"--the point at which it becomes profitable.

    If you were to choose to do it online, it's less expensive and

    timeline-to-profit is much sooner---and you could do it from home. And yes, you could still TEACH via of written e-courses or even better--video courses, in addition to writing


    There are two schools of thought regarding online business.

    One is building a site. (inexpensive to expensive)

    Another is creating a blog. (free to inexpensive)

    If you are just starting out, it will be much simpler and less expensive to create a blog.

    A simple Blog Platform that is super-easy to operate is BLOGGER. It is free---and you can get free hosting at

    With Blogger, you can still have readers sign up for your e-courses or newsletter, upload videos for your readers/students, and you can have them download your written material (either free material, or purchased from you--

    earning you income).

    There is more than likely someone within your family that could give you some feedback about blogging, since it is widely popular---someone in your family (or someone you know) blogs. Just ask around.

    If you decide to write some reports or desire to write a book to sell online, here's an idea:

    since most downloadable books, reports, papers, etc are created in PDF, you could do this yourself free if you download the latest version of OpenOffice ( OpenOffice works just like a Word document creator, except you can convert the document to PDF without purchasing the $400 Adobe Platform.

    OpenOffice is free and simple to use.

    Information is in high demand, especially in niche markets, so teaching via books or ecourses should work for you.

    Just create a little book, offer it up to affiliate sales, sell it also from your blog.

    Gaining experience through this will also set you up for later website efforts---but first, do it the inexpensive method (via blogging), then after you create income, invest in website avenues.

    Check out the link Susanne Z mentioned, get the book in affiliate hands (also market it yourself), get your blog up and going....and NEVER give up! Keep learning and improving..

    Yes, you have an outstanding idea there!

  2. Let me thank you for your interest in finding out more about this incredible and timely opportunity. You've made a very important first step.

    I'm currently an independent executive with Zrii. I consider myself really lucky to have stumbled into an opportunity like this so early on.

    I know, you're probably thinking that I'm going to pitch you on Zrii, but I like to do things differently. Instead of persuading you on why Zrii is the greatest opportunity in the home based business industry, I'm going to take the time to give you extremely valuable information.

    The information I will be sharing with you will benefit you whether you join with Zrii or not. My goal is to simply educate you about the Wellness Industry so that you can better understand the opportunity wellness entrepreneurs have today.

    Sound good?

    Okay, here we go. The information you are about to learn will give you a new perspective on which industry you should be in when starting your own home based business.

    Did you know that it took the U.S. economy 215 years to produce the first 3.6 million millionaires? That was up until 1991. Then, in just the next 10 years, the number of millionaires doubled!

    So what does this have to do with the Wellness Industry or more specifically, what does this have to do with you?

    Well, according to economist Paul Zane Pilzer, in his book The Wellness Revolution, he predicts that by 2016 there will be 20 millionaire households and since each household represents 2.5 people that means that there will be a staggering 50 million Americans living in a household with a net worth of $1 million or more.

    Considering there is just over 300 million people living in the U.S. today that should shock you!

    He goes on to say that the greatest opportunity entrepreneurs have to become the next millionaire is in the Wellness Industry. From the year 2002 to 2007 the Wellness Industry went from $200 billion to $500 billion. It is on track to be a trillion dollar industry by 2012.

    Now, just in case you didn't know, there are not too many trillion dollar industries. The Food Industry and the Medical Industry are two of the biggest trillion dollar industries.

    I don't think I need to explain how BIG a trillion dollar industry is and how much wealth is spread around when an industry advances towards becoming the next trillion dollar industry.

    So I'm sure you're wondering what force is propelling the Wellness Industry to becoming a trillion dollar industry. This might surprise you. Individual wellness entrepreneurs are the force behind this massive industry! Small business owners are reaping HUGE rewards by distributing wellness products and services to the world!

    Maybe being a millionaire seems too far fetched for you?

    Well, what about being in an industry as a home based business owner that gives you an opportunity to earn enough to retire on?

    The product has great mass appeal because of the great quest for healthier whole foods instead of depending on drugs and vitamin supplementation. Zrii has a very lucrative compensation plan that places profit in your pocket fast. When distributors get rewarded quickly the more motivated they are to promote the product.

    We have a marketing system in place that cost us a significant amount of time to put together so that even if you've failed at network marketing before you'll succeed with this one. Nothing is left to guess work. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy this is.

    Give it some thought, and give me a call anytime. Thank you for your time.

    In the heart of the Wellness Boom,

    Richard Houts

    1 (877) 411-6560 ext. 2182

  3. The best way is write an ebook and sell it via affiliate.

    you have to join some affiliate programs to do that.

    here are the top performing 2008:

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