
Any one know an awesome European last name?

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I need a last name for a character in one of my stories. Her first name is Matilda. And I want her last name to be a pretty European last name, but if it isn't it doesn't really matter. I really want it to mean some thing.

About Matilda:

She is a 16 year old girl. Who is a truth seeker. Her boyfriend was turned into a vampire when he was young, and he has dark look on life and death. He doesn't want to tell her the truth just yet, for fear of hurting her, and putting her in danger of the magical realm. She has some people who already want to get her just for the fact that she knows Derik (her boyfriend). She find her self in constant trouble, and can't seem to avoid it. She has the publicly perfect family, that she hates.




  1. Wanker

  2. Um, most American names are also European, Chinese, Japanese, eastern Indian, etc.  Or why not look a name up in a history book from the world wars?   Or why haven't you used Google that can answer this question JUST as well.

    Good luck.

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