
Any one know how a Ninja Character works in Dungeons and Dragons?

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Im trying to make a Ninja as a character in Dungeons and Dragons (v.3.5) and the official Wizards site does not give me enough specific information. What I'm looking for are feats, how Ki works, weapons, Ninja Skills, and most importantly, progression tables. Anyone got any information?




  1. The Wizards site won't have much, they want you to buy all the books, not just look it up for free.

  2. look into the Oriental book for DND if there is no ninja in there I will be bewildered.  Otherwise make it up yourself and have the DM approve it for his game.

    take the rogue/thief class as a base and then skim through the other books for other traits you would like to assimulate into your character.  Work WITH the DM.  It maybe your game, but the DM has the ultimate answer in the end since they are running it.

  3. Handy site for information like this

    There's a PDF labeled basic classes. Page 157 of the PDF for Ninja.

  4. There is about 4 pages of documentation in "Complete Adventurer". Essentially, what you are asking is to reproduce those 4 pages, because many of the class features are unique to the book and would require explanations.

    I have the information, but it's a bit of an imposition to ask someone to type several hundred words and a table for nothing.

  5. The following skills I believe are class skills;

    [01] Climb

    [02] Bluff

    [03] Disguise

    [04]Escape artist

    [05] Hide

    [06] Move Silently

    [07] Gather Information

    [08] Listen

    [09] Tumble

    [10] Open Lock

    [11] Sense Motive

    [12] Search

    [13] Spot

    I'm sorry but this is just a guess.

  6. not sure. but this may help or make u happy:)

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