
Any one know what weight training i should do for a swim team?

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Any one know what weight training i should do for a swim team?




  1. i am a swimmer and i lift weights all the time. what you want to  do is lift weight that will work on tris, legs, back. you don't want to build body mass so make sure you do things that will make you lean. also do med ball stuff. you also want to work your abs and you want to run or ride a bike. all these things work for me.

    good luck

  2. lift what your comfortable with. my coach has stretch chordz we use. just don't overdo you rself or overtrain cuz it could seriously hurt u! today my friend was tring to go really far with the hardest strech chord an dit slid him back and he fell and chipped his tooth really badly and just be careful

  3. I would work on sit-ups or crunches. And bike 1 block a day for a month. Start with 20 crunches, then 22, then 24, and increase by 2 crunches a day for a month. Once you get do doing 50 crunches in one day, just stop there so you work too hard.

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