
Any one living in sacramento CA please help?

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i will be due next month and need to get out of the country for some thing really urgent, i live in sacramento does any one know how long it takes to get a passport for a new born????please help me




  1. I would think the same amount of time as an adult. Last time I looked into it, I was told 6 weeks. I think you need all the regular stuff before you can get a passport. Id check the fed website to be sure. I don't have a link as im currently on mobile... but try there!

  2. As far as I know, newborns do not need passports.  Usually there is a passport office inside your Main Post Office.  Just to be on the safe side, go check with them.  You really need official information so that you don't get any nasty surprises at the airport.

  3. YES new born babies NEED PASSPORTS!!   You can get one in 24 hours but it will cost you.  You need to contact the San Francisco passport agency asap.  I would do this tomorrow instead of waiting for the baby to be born.  I  know for a fact that you do need a passport and SF is the place where you need to take care of it.  NOT HERE IN SACRAMENTO.  Take care of this soon so you know the price up front instead of having sticker shock! Good luck and safe travels.

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