
Any one no how i can get my bowls working on my own after laxative abuse and anorexia?

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i have really bad trapped gas and constipation all time and i feel so sick and bloated and i keep gaining weight and i hate it




  1. Yes, Lady Dog Blue is right!  See a doctor and get some professional advice, and then take it.  You see what being anorexic has done, so I would focus only on getting well, and being able to have normal bowel functions, and not on how much you weigh.  We usually don't see ourselves accurately.  And, it's more important to be healthy, feel good, and not even have to think about your baowel, but just have then work like they should.

    Give it time, soo, and try not to get discouraged.

  2. you really need to see your doctor about proper nutrition.Anything high fibre will get things going.

  3. fruits , vegetables and water ,

  4. prunes and prune juice helps.  good luck, hope things tart moving for u x

  5., please join this group.

  6. lots of fibre in your diet

  7. I'm assuming that you meant "bowels". I've been there with the laxatives and anorexia and I just started eating small amounts and a few prunes. Metamucil helped me a little but mostly eating a few prunes and drinking a lot of water helped. good luck, I know how hard that is .

  8. try fybergel. Its not a laxative, its a fibre drink that will relieve the constipation naturally.

  9. It's going to take some time to retrain your bowels so you need to be patient. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can (they won't put on weight!) and drink lots and lots of fluid. Also try eating raw cereal such as muesli because that has a lot of fibre, or something like shredded wheat or all-bran will also help. You can get stuff from your doctor called Movicol, which bulks up your food so that the bowel muscles have something to work on. This isn't like over-the-counter laxatives, which often work by irritating the bowel. You don't want to irritate it, but Movicol won't do that. Good luck with it!

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