
Any one no what Gibraltar in Spain would be like to live there in finding accommodation jobs and to live ther

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As i was interested in moving there i am in Ireland at the time i dot what to go back uk so i thowrt of going there




  1. Only been there once,and wasn't a big fan to say the least.But that may be just me.I do know that rented accommodation is very expensive there and almost impossible to find.Most people working there have to commute from over the border in Spain.Spain's a lot more fun to live in,and at the moment there are plenty of English teaching jobs around.

  2. It is not easy to get work in Gib and accommodation is quite expensive. You might do better to consider Spain instead. It is fairly easy to get bar work or labouring work with British businesses over here and accommodation is relatively easy to find and not too expensive.

  3. Please don't ask a Spaniard what Gibraltar in Spain is like, you will get a rude answer. Gibraltar is an overcrowded place stuck out on a limb near La Linea in Southern Spain. It's much dearer than living in Spain even though their tax laws are beneficial.

  4. gibraltar is not in spain. it is a british dependency.

  5. I second Conoco and snafu.  Gibraltar is not in Spain.  It is a seperate country (part of Britain) and the Spanish are a bit touchy about it.  I can't imagine living there, though I haven't been, myself.  Seems as if there wouldn't be much room, and it certainly wouldn't be like living in Spain.

  6. I Just came back from Spain last week and visited Gibraltar (UK) and spoke to some of the locals that I know there.  It is expensive to rent in GIB and also the utility bills are very high, I was quoted £200 a month for electricity and water but over the border where my friend lived she paid on 63 euro's.  She lived over the border and walked into work (GIB) every morning. To work in GIB you are required to speak English and Spanish (which seems a little daft to me) even though there are many Spanish people working in the shops. I found the food in cafe's and restaurants very expensive and low quality. Its cheap if you want to smoke and drink all day long £9.50 200 cigs and £8.95 for a litre of smirnoff for example (you can only bring 200 cigs and 1 bottle back over the border into spain before you all get excited - and they are VERY strict on this) I thought of living there as an alternative to mainland UK put me right off now.  **travel tip** take Sterling UK£ if your going there for a day trip or use the Barclays Bank ATM as they give you money in UK£'s  Gib £'s you cant spend in the UK and the exchange rate for the euro in shops is scandalous some want 1.90euro for a £1!

  7. Your better off living in Spain as its alot cheaper than Gibraltar.....then walk across the border daily for work. Driving across the border can be a pain with long Qs in and out.

    Housing in Gibraltar is very expensive and most are high rise flats due to the lack of space.

    Gibraltar and Spain do not get on so best not to call them Spanish lol.

    When you apply for jobs dont expect to get a reply.

  8. I wouldn't want to live there as I found it boring and small - only basically a main street with marks & spencers & McKays, and a few small shops, it is expensive and not much happens off season.

  9. Stick with the mainland...........GIB was fine a few years ago for ex-pats to go shopping for the goods they couldn't by on the costas, but now we can get everything we need here in various UK based shops, Iceland, etc., so it has now out lived its usefulness to us ex-pats, but its OK for the odd visit.

    Poeple don't even bother to use it so much as a place to stash money, you are no longer better off doing so.

    Hope this helps!

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