
Any one tell me..................?

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About who was HITLER and in which condition he dies???????????????




  1. Hitler was the leader of Germany during the late 1930's and early 1940's.  He had a personal vision of creating a "Master Race" of people who were superior to the rest of the world, and he started World War II, in an attempt to take over the entire planet and make his vision a reality.

    When Germany's army was defeated and the American Allies were marching in on the city of Berlin, and the Russian Army was closing in from the North on Berlin, Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself, so he would not be taken as a Prisoner of War.

  2. hitler ruled germany  he died of suicide

  3. Hitler was a dictator of Germany.He as an Aryan an thought himself superior to all people.His autocratric rule angered the Germans and one of the Germans killed him.He made the economical conditions of Germany worse,by initiating war with other European countries.

  4. He was a fascist leader of Germany who organized the mass killings of many minorities, with the main focus on Jews. He tried to create an empire, and when he realized he was losing World War II, he committed suicide in an underground bunker by taking poison in the form of a pill. He also gave this poison to his entire family.

    Interesting point: I read somewhere the term "Aryan" originally referred to people from northern India, and that the Roma people (Gypsies), who were one of the groups persecuted under Hitler, are of northern Indian descent.

  5. he was a fighter, he shoot himself,

  6. he was a dictator.he was a nazist.he was from Germany.he shot himself and committed suicude.

  7. One of the strange animals which are born in the garb of human being, whose favourite pastime was to hunt for real human beings in droves on some imaginary principles to satisfy its cruel nature. Now, we have many such animals which do the same thing, in the name of religion.

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