
Any one tried homeopathy for ibs?

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constipation i have it bad and am starting treatment

what did you think and did it change you at all




  1. If  you change your diet you wont be having any problems ....first put more complex carbohydrates, any form of oats,. wheat germ, flax seeds (ground) Kasa, more greens, and to start off: start taking phylum husks, to cleanse your body once you clean out your system you will feel wonderful....for vitamins take Folic Acid this will help relieve chronic constipation, vit. K. you might need to visit your local health food store.

  2. Constipation and Ibs is considered difficult to treat, stress is considered to be one of the contributing factors; This is not really true you can take as much medicine as you like from whatever source but in the end only a diet of wholesome foods( nothing adulterated, no flesh, no bad fats )  will help you in the end. You will need to read "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss to understand. Your body knows how to function correctly, but what many people do not understand is that truly wholesome foods do and will heal the body from whatever as put it under its present condition. You can believe me if you wish but I have over 15 years of study on nutrition and health in relation to body systems, diseases and conditions. There are herbs(fennel) that may assist and homeopathic remedies(nat.vom) that may assist but where Ibs is concerned the best is to learn and underastand what is whoesome foods and get rid of your Ibs forever.

  3. I haven't tried homeopathy for IBS, so I can't tell you anything on that.

    But I suffered from consiptated IBS a couple years ago.  It was horrible!

    First thing is to increase your fiber.  It's a lot harder to do it by food, than to just get a fiber supplement.  I need at least 30 g of fiber per day to keep my bowel movements fairly regular.  For breakfast, I eat steel-cut organic oatmeal with a fiber supplement called Fiberrific, and Chia seed mixed in.  That almost gives me 10 g of fiber!  Then, for lunch, I usually eat a big vegetable filled salad.  For dinner, I try to eat as much veggies and whole grain products as I can.  To top it off, sometimes I take a tbsp of Metamucil (I know...not so natural!) after dinner.

    Make sure you drink a lot of water.  I found out that I didn't drink as much as I thought.  I like to carry around my 1.0L Sigg bottle and make sure I drink at least 2 full bottles a day (especially with all the fiber I eat!).

    Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.  I found that alcohol and caffeine made my cramping worse, and would sometimes make me run to the bathroom.  Sugar I found made me very bloated.

    Try different herbs/natural supplements.  A customer testimonial on my employer's website said that Renew Life's IBS Support worked wonders for his problems.  I have a few customers taking Thiphala, a ayurvedic herb that promotes regularity.  It is non-habit forming, and can be taken every day.  I'm currently trying a whole body cleanse (including colon), and seeing if it decreases my constipation even more.

    Other than that, I don't know!  I'm an advocate for natural health, so I wouldn't approve of telling you to take useless chemical medications for it.   Medications are for masking symptoms, not fixing/preventing problems.

    As Dr. David Brownstein (yes, an MD that advocates natural health!) would say: "You can't poison a crucial enzyme or block an important receptor for the long-term and expect a good result."

    EDIT: I just aunt was told by her chinese herbal doctor to take a tablespoon of manuka honey every day for IBS. :)

  4. I don't know much about homoeopathy but I do know people who have been treated for I.B.S. by reflexologists and herbalists so it's worth seeking some advice in that direction. It is a horrible condition and you need all the help you can get.

  5. Hi. YES!!!

    You know the woman on the Yahoo! Answers e-mail when your answer has been chosen as Best Answer? That's how excited I am about homeopathy. And, I've exclusively used it for myself, family, friends and pets since 1981.

    For you, I can also speak as a homeopath with a family practice for more than 25 years. You have absolutely chosen the best therapy. Not only is homeopathy safe, natural and effective, it heals emotional stress that often precedes physical symptoms (i.e., when a feeling becomes somaticized, or overflows into the body as a symptom).

    If for some reason you do not respond within a short period of time (e.g., results are often quick for constipation/IBS, or at least clear improvement is noticed within the first month), be sure you are following your homeopath's directions (i.e., stopping coffee, including decaf). Then, check to see if you are seeing a certified professional homeopath. The national directory of certified homeopaths in North America is http;//

    A lay homeopath can still help if not certified. If you do not notice results in a reasonable time, though, don't write off homeopathy as a healing modality. Rather, dismiss your practitioner and find another.

    Sometimes people are so amazed by their response that they want to find out more. If you'd like to take it a step further and learn how to safely treat common problems like menstrual cramps, colds, flus, coughs, etc., the National Center for Homeopathy (http://www.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.o... is a good resource for learning about homeopathy and Affiliated Study Groups.

    Let me know how you do. Take care, sweetie.

  6. My answer isn't a fun one.  I suffered terribly from 'IBS'- the catchall for female stomach problems.  The doctor gave me different meds but instead of taking them, I started cutting different things out of my diet to see if the symptoms would decrease.  Dairy was my first choice....did you know it takes TWO weeks to get dairy completely out of your system?  Well, there was no change- thank the lord b/c I LOVE cheese!!!  Next I cut out meat- BINGO - no more pain.  I couldn't believe it.  For some reason, my body was not processing/digesting meat right and was causing me a whole lot of pain.  Now your symptom is a little different- I didn't have constipation, as such, but I did have horrible cramping and less than easy bowel movements.

    I would suggest checking your diet before taking meds.  Mine was a pretty easy steaks are limited to special occasions now!

    Good luck!  I know how painful 'IBS' (or the likes) can be.

  7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome has to be treated according to the cause.  It may vary from celiac disease to lactose intolerance or Krohn's.  It may be comorbidity with fibromyalgia to endometriosis and migraine. It could be liver complaints, it could be sedentary habits, it could be food problems, it could be digestive problems, it parasites and worms, it could be many many other reasons.  Since your question is homeopathy for ibs. yes. homeopathy cures ibs without doubt.  It is placebo for those who do not understand and it is curative for those who experience it.. Unfortunately, it is forgotten that the use of Placebo was first advanced by homeopathy to fill the gap between two potentised medicines for patient satisfaction.  Placebos have its own effect as faith healing and homeopathy has its own effect as the medicines that has the power to transform a ailing person from a morbid state to a healthy state and not to suppress the ailments.  

    Constipation :  Reason for constipation can mostly be traced to the liver.  It is also due to non absorption of water from the intestines by stool during their descend to the r****m.  The idea of taking more fibres or ideas like taking more bran (in olden times) were based on these thinkings.  One reason for sheep dung like constipation is due to worms in stomach and are easily cleared within a day or two by use of Chelidonium and Cina.  In obstinate constipations, no desire for stools for days together, with itching in the ankles of the feet, stools like marbles - Alumen or Alumina is to be used.  Normally two or three doses would be sufficient.  Chronic constipation in elderly with never got done feeling Ambra Grisea is to be used.  When it is constipation and diarrhea alternating, normally have warts on the body, Antimonium Crudem is the remedy. White coated tongue would be the leading symptom.  For normal dry and hard stools, for softening the stools, Bryonia Alba will be helpful and gives overnight results.  Bryonia may have cough, intermittent fever, high fevers like typhoid etc. as other symptoms.  Chelidonium Majus is a great remedy for liver related constipation.  If the faeces are felt in the r****m and and cannot expel, Colchicum autum may be resorted to.  If the constipation is during pregnancy or following labour collinsonia is to be taken. For obese persons with thyroid disorders, Fucus Verse will help.  For those who are constipated since puberty Lycopodium will come to rescue.  For those who do not go to toilet for even four five days a classic combination of Sulphur+Calcaria Carb+Lycopodium will relieve within one or two doses.  Cutting colic before each stool with never get done feeling, and who have taken a lot of allopathic medicines containing mercury and have bad breath with scalding of the mouth, Merc Sol would be the remedy.  If only a little wind passes on each attempt, Natrum Sulph will help.  

    For those of sedentary habits, given to drinking, late sleeping, smoking, tea drinkers, coffee drinkers, the medicine is Nux Vomica, here the constipation is like going to toilet several times but little stool passes with a feeling of something left behind.  

          The toughest of the constipation can be taken care of by Opium in 30 or 200 potency.  If the stool are like that of a dog, Phsophorus is the indicated medicine.  For travellers constipation, nux vomica as well as platinum will help. Constipation alternating with diarrhea, Podophyllum will be sure shot.  Abdomen full of wind and painful Senna will help.  Constipation before and during mensus, stools comes down and recedes again after partial expulsion, silicea will help here.  Constipation on account of fear of passing the stools, sulphur will be the medicine.  Constipation with violent rectal pain, stools like hard black balls Thuja Occ. is the remedy.  Do not pass stools due to pain in r****m one dose of Nitric Acid will correct as also fissures in the r****m.  

    Diarrhea :  

    Due to drinking, sedentary habits - Nux Vomica

    Food poisoning with restlessness,. nausea, vomiting -Arsenic Album

    Indigestion of Oil or oily food - Pulsatilla

    Involuntary stools, uncertain whether stools or wind will pass , copious flatus, has to run to the toilet, diarrhea from beer- Aloe Soc.30 three globules three times for one day.

    Diarrhea due to sudden good or bad news, sorrow or anger, Watery and noisy, immediately after drinking or eating -Argentum Nitricum 30.

    Offensive dark and bloody, Rumbling in abdomen, during typhoid -  Baptisia tinc.  

    Chronic diarrhea of old people -  worse at night and early morning -  Bovista

    During Dentition - Calcaria Phos

    During teething with green stools in children -Chamomilla

    Chronic diarrhea, E-coli - Thuja occ.

    Chronic diarrhea with skin ailments - Graphites.

    Diarrhea after fish/eggs - Chininum ars.

    Diarrhea due to indigestion - China Off.

    pale stools.

    Abdomen full of wind and water. Painful, transparent scanty stools contain white shreddy particles - Colchicum Autum.

    with cutting pain in abdomen, has to bend double, brown watery stools after eating or drinking, jelly like stools with musk like odour -  Colocynthis.  

    Diarrhea on taking cold water immediately after coming from hot sun.  May have upset throat  -  Croton Tig 30 one dose will stop the stools which gush out as if from a pipe.

    Green watery, climy bloody, with mucus, Worse damp weather. hill diarrhea -  Dulcamera.  

    Brown stools fetid with undigested particles - Graphites.

    Involuntary stools while urinating - Hyocyamus ***.  

    Stools involuntary while passing wind.  Great size of faecal mass, morning diarrhea -  Natrum Sulph.  

    Painless copious debilitating diarrhea, discharge of blood, white or green mucus  - Phosphorus.  

    Diarrhea, Green watery, fetid profuse and gushing.  Diarrhea alternating with constipation -  Podophyllum.  

    Diarrhea after drinking milk - Silicea, Natrum Carb.

    Diarrhea after taking boiled milk  - Sepia.  

    Morning diarrhea -rushes from bed - Sulphur.

    Diarrhea with colicky pains and nausea - Triosteum perf.

    If you are in the habit of taking wine or grapes and IBS is a fall out of that, Carbolic Acid 30 one single dose will stop the chronic diarrhea.

               There are too many other medicines according to the symptoms.  The medicines mentioned above are based on some lead symptoms.  Other symptoms have to be considered before administration.  All medicines are to be administered only under supervision of a doctor.  The above is only an information.

  8. At the usual risk of being thumbs downed by the wicked witches of the North, it just isn't going to help you! I am afraid it is no better than placebo. Unfortunately conventional therapy is not very much better.

    Good news, 50% of patients who try the standard recommendation of high fibre diet do notice some improvement, the bad news is the other 50% actually get worse. Antispasmodics like mebeverine do help the bowel spasms, but none of the other symptoms.

    The drug Colpermin which is specifically licenced for IBS has in my view very poor results and tends to produce severe heartburn.

    In my experience the only drug to give anything like consistant results is low dose  amitriptylline, which presumably acts as a smooth muscle relaxant.

    Some sources also claim good results from psychotherapy, but again this was not so in my experience.

  9. Yes of course ibs is curable in homoeopathy, i am a qualified homoeopath having 27 yrs practice. Your full history is needed for this ( means totality of your physical, mental  & constitutional symptoms). Only there are chances in homoeopathy you can take your case to



  10. No of course not.

    Homeopathy is a form of quackery, hence will not help you with physical conditions.

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