
Any one tried "rosetta stone"? any good?

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Any one tried "rosetta stone"? any good?




  1. HI... I get access to 40 langauges from Rosetta Stone through my account.  I LOVE it... the kids and I are doing Latin and the system works great.... i love the way Rosetta spirals so you are constantly reviewing the things you learned... you also learn by sight and sound (pictures, auditory and read the vocab)  i would reccomend this for ANYONE any age... my kids are just 6.... if you are reservist or active duty etc or know someone who has an ako account ask them to let you on to try out rosetta stone before you buy it...

  2. I dated her for a bit.

    she's not very bouncy in the bedroom.

    I'd give her a miss.

    she's been around a bit now.

    double johnny job. (wink).

  3. It is excellent.   I am using it to learn Greek.

  4. is free and just as good as Rosetta Stone.  Plus, you have the added ability to speak and write to actual native speakers.  I have Rosetta Stone HS edition and I am returning it next week.

    When you create an account, they ask you what is your native language.  Then you are considered an "expert" that can evaluate non-english speakers questions, just like you respond in this forum.

  5. Its great!  You can learn to understand and speak the language very well, if you want to write the language really well you might want to add in some extra grammar and writing work after you get about 1/4 of the way through level 1 of Rosetta Stone.

  6. This has been asked before within the last 4 weeks or so. One person recommended it but another who had tried it was not enthusiastic.

    "Is Rosetta Stone a good language learner program?"

  7. our school has a lot of language electives and they use the rosetta stone software..i haven't used it yet, though..but i think it's okay, coz otherwise, why would our school still recommend the software to us if it's a piece of c**p?

  8. Yes, and it was very good. My computer was a little slow, so it took a while to load, but other than that is is very effective and I recommend it.

  9. It's the most popular, but you can look around and find just as effective programs for less money.

  10. We love Rosetta Stone and have used it for lots of languages. I would really recommend getting it especially if you can get someone else to buy the homeschool edition (which can have any number of kids I believe) with you so that it's not so expensive. An excellent way to learn a language. If you're wanting a very grammar focused curriculum then I don't suggest Rosetta Stone as it has only minimal writing parts. If that doesn't matter to you I'd say go for it!

  11. I've been trying to get a free version, but i can't find it

    anyway, it's supposed to be the best language learning system. All the other language learning programs are barely ever mentioned, well i've heard of rosetta hundreds of timest

  12. One thing to watch with Rosetta Stone - it is almost completely inductive.  What this means is that it really doesn't teach you any grammar, any of the "why" behind the language.  While young children learn well this way - which is where the concept comes from - older students (3rd grade +, usually) need to know the "why's" of a language in order to really understand and speak it fluently.

    Rosetta Stone is good for learning vocab, and for reviewing phrases, but it's really my least favorite method of actually learning a language.  I know I'm in the minority here, but for the cost of the program, IMO it should do a complete job of teaching.  It doesn't.

    If you're able to access it for free (through your library, or if a friend will let you use it), I would say go for it - for review and practice.  I really would recommend using it alongside a program that is strong in grammar, though.  

    I majored in linguistics, and I currently teach foreign languages in our co op at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels.  I have seen students come from Rosetta Stone into a full program that includes grammar, and many of them had a lot to learn (or re-learn).  However, those that used it alongside a full program found it to be good review.

    Hope that helps!

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