
Any one who complained about Talk talk Broadband and phone service. What was the outcome.?

by  |  earlier

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I have complained to their complaint department. was called back and gave more details of the complaint more than a month ago. have not heard from them. In the meantime I asked tehm to stop the service. they have not done so although I have now a new provider for both BB and telephone. I do not know how to get them to stop my line nor how to take my complaint further

many thanks




  1. we switched to orange broadband because talktalk are useless lol we never compained though

  2. I used to deal with Talk Talk complaints.. and to be honest there's not much you can do other than put it in writing and send it via recorded delivery. Also keep any proof and a record of dates- to show when it was that you signed up with your new provider. (Just in case they forward on your details to a debt collecting agency)

  3. Is it possible to take a complaint further with Talk Talk??

    I've not had Talk Talk but my colleague has and she spent around 2 hours one afternoon on the phone to them... she found it hard going as their call centre was/is in Johannesburg.

    She was cut off more than once and in the end got so frustrated she left it for another day. They had charged her for an international calls service, despite the fact she doesn't know anyone abroad and hadn't asked for the service. They refused to rectify this and so she told them to cancel the service. Though it was very hard going to do so.

    It seems to me they don't want to hear from you if you want to cancel or complain.

    From what I've heard they're pretty poor in their customer services/care department and the outcome has just about been the same : cancelling Talk Talk subscriptions.

  4. I spent 12 weeks chasing them to activate the Internet after they had the line connected.

    I found out my old provider Pipes was still not asked to release my BB either.

    After talking to the manger of the call centre and given promise after promise, I sent a letter in writing and registered to their head office in UK, stopped the direct debit, got a new line from BT installed and cursed the minute I had decided to get free internet with Talk Talk :-(

    3 months before my colleague at work managed to get out of them too. They simply don't care to pass your complaints from their Call Centre to their head office, I guess the Outsourcing deal did not cover dealing with complaints, so they will not do it.

    My advice is write a letter headed note to their UK offices, Call BT and ask them to help you pull back your phone number, they are usually happy to do so over anybody's head.

    Good luck.

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