
Any other Empaths here?

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I am an empath, I was wondering if any were hanging out here in answers. How do you cope with the daily barage of emotions?




  1. "Empath" is fabricated word for a sensitive person.  It implies a paranormal or supernatural source when there is none.  It seems those who identify themselves as empaths have convinced themselves they have a special gift, when it appears they are just impressionable and pay close attention to those around them.

  2. Hello

    Thank fully I no longer have to feel the roller coaster of others emotions & pain.

    It becomes easier with development, as you progress you can take more & more control.


    join my group - will help if we can x

  3. I think you are concentrating too much on facial expression and body language. One time a total stranger passed by me and said, cheer up it's not so bad, I was on top of the world in that moment and was just simply in a deep thought. I have even caught myself asking a friend if everything was ok because they looked sad and they said they were perfectly fine and started laughing. I think we can all pick up on emotions with the ones we are close to, but what you think you know isn't always that way.

  4. channel those emotions,  focus, breathe but most importantly learn control don't let those emotions take control of you. It also helps to know where those emotions are coming from and from who they are coming from you never know you might be channeling your own emotions.

  5. I'm an empath as well. How do I cope? I've learned to ground them out. I've gotten to the point where I can just say, "all that is not mine, please me immediately" and it goes. It's hard though, as I tend to soak them up, even online.

  6. Yes, there are others on here....but they might have gone to bed already. I think I have some of it...but I wouldn't call myself an empath. People have told me that I have empathy...but I think I've just about killed it. I have trouble crying now. Maybe I overdid it.

  7. I'm also an empath, although I have the problem of not only feeling other's emotions, but also reflecting them back at the person.  I do it with personalities, too.

    For me, I have to stop a couple times during the day to reflect on what I'm feeling and why, or how I'm acting and if that's really me.  Doing that helps me to sort through the emotions I'm getting from other people and what I'm feeling myself.

    It also helps to take a day or or even an hour for yourself.  Getting away from others and their emotions helps me get back to my normal state, and I can deal with others better after a break.

  8. Empathy is part of human nature. Your imagination allows you to put yourself into someone elses shoes and feel what you think they are feeling. It isnt always accurate. Think about watching TV. You see someone get hit on the nose you rub your nose and say "oooooo", but the person did not really get hit on the nose, he was just acting. Same with a woman in a movie who lost her child. You can empath her emotions, but she is just acting, she didnt really lose the child.

    My 2 month old daughter was upset just yesterday when she heard another baby crying on the TV. At that age children are very selfish and self centered, so it shows great empathy that she would be concerned about another baby crying. (not that she cares if mommy and daddy get no sleep, maybe we should cry more.)

    Its human nature.

  9. All people with healthy, caring attitudes towards others are empathic. That's part of being human. We can read the universal body language that we all tend to know, sense the expressions on faces, etc., and even without talking to them we often have a pretty good idea of what emotions they are feeling. There's nothing psychic about it. It's just being observant and thoughtful.

    As far as being "barraged" with feelings from people around you that you aren't paying particular attention to, that's just pure imagination at work, nothing more. If you really want to be a psychic  "empath", and you really believe you are, your power of suggestion will certainly help persuade you.

  10. You're not an empath if you can't accurately and repeatably identify emotions of specific people at specific times, when you cannot hear them, see them, smell them, or touch them.

    Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence, and I doubt you have any evidence at all.

  11. If you can imagin yourchaktras rotating right and the object of empathy is in opposite rotation then you can lock the channel through what you are in contact.

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