
Any other English speakers living/staying in Hamburg?

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I have just started to work as an au pair in Hamburg and it can be quite lonely being in a city where you don't know anyone.

Is there anyone else working or staying in Hamburg, Germany at the moment? Or is there a good place where I could meet people who speak English (I am not working here to learn the language, and my skills of German are very poor).






  2. Don't worry about some of the answers you are getting above - there are many au-pairs in Germany and the ex-pat community is very strong. You could try this site linked below and see the events and meetups section. Go along to one of the organised events and get to know people on your day off. Maybe if you introduce yourself on the forum some´like minded person might suggest a meetup. If you have an idea, post it up and people will turn up. Irish pubs are a haven for expats. Good luck.

  3. Hello not really sure if that will help you but in most German cities there are Irish pubs usually you find lots of Irish and British people there.

    I join a link with Irish pubs in Hamburg region.

    EDIT: well I do understand the comments about learning German but on the other hand I can understand how it feels if you are in a foreign country  and don't know the language.To my opinion there is nothing wrong to look for people from the country you are from or at least for people who speak the same language.

    BTW I did not thumb down anybody :-)

  4. Where in Hamburg are u? I have many friends in town.

  5. If you're not working here to learn the language, so for what reason are you working then? When a German au pair goes to GB or the USA she usually joins a language course in her spare time. Think this would be good for you as well.

    And by the way, most young people in Germany can speak English as they learn it at school.

  6. wow there are some hostile people around. Please don't let them spoil your stay.

    Hamburg is a wonderful, wonderful city and even though the weather there sucks right now (they promised it will get better soon!), it has many friendly sides. Try pubs and bars, we have one at almost every corner. Public transportation is big over there too, you might want to try meeting people that way.

    I am from hamburg, but unfortunately not living there any more. Anyway, enjoy your stay, pick up some foreign culture, maybe language and get yourself out there! Have fun!

  7. Just like starcloud mentioned: what for did you come over then? If you're not willing to learn the language nobody can help you and you'd better go back to GB.

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