
Any other Mexico towns been evecuated?

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My parents are in Casitas, VeraCruz, i am concerned, After Dean hits cancun where will it go? I haven't heard any weather channel name towns or citys after Dean hits Yuctan pennisula... Anyone else heard anything other then what i have heard?




  1. Yes, I'm in Cancun and also saw from the map that the expected landfall would be Tampico.

    That's the trouble, the news channels show only places that people have heard of (ie they are saying it's going to hit the Cozumel and Cancun area and it's NOT)  and then show only concern for the States.  Once they see it won't hit them, they'll forget about it.

    Try to contact them but don't worry.  It will downgrade as well before it hits land again.

  2. Last I heard here in Houston is they are expecting it to make landfall around Tampico sometime Wed.

  3. I think you already know that Dean is in the coast of the golf, exactly in front of Casitas and Tecolutla. I am from Teziutlàn Puebla and my family has a house at Casitas, nobody knows what has happened there since 8:00 in the morning, there are no phone lines, and we haven´t got a hold of our people there. I read that the navy evacuated the whole region because Dean´s hit was gonna be tremendous, but still no news about it.  I hope everything goes fine with your family. If I know something I will get in ANSWERS again.

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