
Any other Ohioans ashamed of their state if hillary wins the nomination because of them?

by Guest32474  |  earlier

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I am not an Obamaniac either...I don't plan on voting for either come the general election...I just find her evilness and transparency to be a bit more overbearing than his.




  1. Yes.

    I'm also ashamed that  George W Bush won the Presidency with our help.

  2. Very ashamed

  3. Stop whining and go shopping! It is as I will it to be! I am Diebold and every other company! I am your corporate overlord!

  4. im a born and bred cleveland ohioian and i am proud to say i voted for hillary. i hope she goes on to be president. and the way its starting to look that just might happen. arent you ashamed of you and fellow obamanacs who are crying cuz she beat your dude fair and square????

  5. I'm not a Ohioan, and I'll be ashamed if she wins the nomination.. :)

  6. Ohio is proud for Hillary Clinton to win because it is their choice.

  7. I voted for Barak, but I would support and vote for Hillary come November. As I have said before, my priority is getting the g.o.p. OUT!

  8. Everyone from ohio should be ashamed...always(d**n flatlanders)!

  9. yes

  10. Probably... a lot of people dont like it when other people form their own opinions.

    Why didn't you work harder to make sure YOUR candidate won the primary?  At least then you'd have the satisfaction in knowing you did your best, instead of just feeling ashamed when you don't get your way.

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