
Any other Republicans as pissed off as I am?

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Sarah Palin get the Inquisition treatment by the media, while Obama has gotten a free ride on Ayers, Rezko, Wright and every other crook, communist and terrorist he associates with.




  1. Its nothing more than a witch hunt, I am so pissed, because she is woman, getting the shaff from the media and the liberals, I know there will be a huge backlash!

  2. McCain is f*cking nuts. You forget that. He jokes about bombing Iran. And Palin supports abstinence-only schooling and no abortion. That doesn't mix.

  3. Um...speculation is not fact, dear. The reason Palin is getting media attention is b/c her information is factual.

  4. I don't think she's getting ridden too hard, but I haven't really been watching the news lately.  Personally, I think they're both much better people than the mudslingers try to portray them as.

  5. Hey- the GOP hold themselves up on the pedestal as the

    'Moral Party'.

    They should be above any indescretion, if they expect

    people to believe they are so ' Holier Than Thou'.

    Face it- McCain picked a hypocrite and a bimbo.

    Bwaaaahaaaahaaahaaa! Obama's gonna win this one!

  6. it's been said there are links between the bin laden family and  ol george too the only way u can win this electionis by playing dirty why not bring up something about the great grand parents or better yet his great great grand parent u smuck

  7. The media is controled by Libs. This is just the way it is. Thank god for the internet!

  8. The right has been saddled with this handicap for the last 40 years. It's the reason no one is watching the media any more. Most informed people get their news off the internet.

  9. Quit your whining, The Republicans brought this on themselves. With a disastrous last 8 YEARS, the whole Republicans party is lucky they haven't been IMPEACHED along with George W. Bush.

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