
Any other SCORPIO FEMALES out there about to go POSTAL on the world?

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these last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster... and i seem to have lost a big piece of whatever empathy i had for people and this world (and it was alot). being a scorpio, i know that patience is one of my virtues, but i am coming back FULL FORCE when people, even loved ones, say something selfish, rude, insenstive... and i'm MEAN! i hate it, really. i guess i'm oooberly (is that a word?) sensitive right now. i have this burning desire to get the h**l away from home, even if it's an hour away, to get away from all the drama surrounding me and just start a fresh... am i alone here? i read on that my relationships will seem superficial around this time, and "going through the motions" of things will become tiresome... i just can't tolerate peoples BS anymore! and the sad part is i'm becoming even more guarded than i already am. Lord help me! music is the only thing that brings me solice... and i plan to join the gym again and exercise... i know that helps. d**n, it's like i'm fighting a minor depression or something.. so annoying! i'm probably just paying back some bad karma....




  1. I felt like that last week. Most of us did. Don't know exactly why. But yes, I'm with you.

  2. i know what you just said is right on what i feel like idk if its b/c im a teen but everytime i listen to music or something i feel better and whan im like around annoying ppl i get tiked ooff easy and i just lock my room and sit on the flooor with my ipod or just wach t.v loud and sometimes i go to the store for any reson just get out of my house

  3. well....the past two weeks have been a little diff for me (but I had a good idea of what was coming).....I am surrounded by my irritating family (b/c they fight over the dumbest things when i have grown accustomed to an environment of serenity aka NO noise or movement heheehehehehe).......i have also been off stimulants (for keep the tolerance down hmms) and have not touched liquor................i wouldn't say i'm depressed, but i'm certainly not unhappy....things just feel a little difff......

    I have, however, been cranky b/c of an extra 5lbs I have accumulated lately......i am always more peaceable and happy and awake when i weight less......anyway, i can feel the 5lbs of baggage, when I climb up the stairs, walk across the streeet, get the mail, and sleep (i make a bigger dent in the pillow--even my head is fatter).....all of my usual actions require more effort (I feel) : P

  4. the gym totally works. and make yourself look really hot! it'll make u feel so good. eat a lot at the same time & do whatever you want. you deserve it!

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