
Any other Twilight haters?

by Guest55852  |  earlier

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Okay,is there anyone else who hates Twilight? I do not understand why every teenage girl is crazy over these pointless books.People in my school are carrying them around constantly. THERE ARE BETTER BOOKS OUT THERE PEOPLE. The plot is NOT original,there are so many other vampire books that are a million times better!!! The wrirting is dull,and boring. Bella Swan is a pathetic Mary Sue. Edward Cullen is an abusive a*****e. Jacob Black is a rapist. The characters are annoying and one dimensional. And it is OVERRATED!!

....sorry if I offended any Twilight fans,but are there any other people who agree with me?




  1. Bahahah, I dislike twilight as well.

    However, I do read it every time a new book comes out, Simply because I absolutely adore Jacob Black and I have to know what happens to him each volume.


    I hate bella and edward!

    Bella, really is pathetic. Have you noticed every time she and edward kiss, its the SAME ******* LINE after?


    -I felt myself come back up gasping for air

    -I found myself gazing into his molten liquid onyx eyes

    -I was feeling a little light-headed as he stared at me with his smoldering eyes.


    Plus, edward is stupid. I hate him. Hes not perfect. Hes an idiot.

  2. I don't absolutely hate it, but I do agree that it's over rated. I agree that the plot isn't original especially! The ONLY thing that was different in that series was that there weren't any vampire hunters. That was the ONLY difference!

    There are MUCH bigger and better vampire romances than Twilight.

    I like how you pointed out the writing style as well...

    I when I read Twilight I felt like I was reading something written by a teenager. Just way she writes is almost amateur.

  3. I agree !

    Twilight is soo stupid; who gives a c**p about vampires? or whatever they are!

    The have the same plot in everybook, and the books are not original. at all!

    if you wanted to make a vampire/romance book, try not to make it so freakin cheesy & lame ***.

    bella= soo annoying, edward=even more annoying ! geez.

    urg. every girl at my school is OBSESSED with the series.

    people, just throw those books in the toilet!

  4. yeah woot if you have devient art you should downgrade this drawing

    It isn't mine i just found it one day...however it is a good drawing if they were different people...NOT!!!


  5. GAHHHHHHH THANkYOU!!!!! I F&^#ING HATE IT!!!!! It is so cheesey! It did nothing for me!

    Youre like the only one besides me who hates it!!

  6. I don;t hate twilight but you have to understand that it has struck a chord with the readers.

    In the 80s, kids went berserk for the Goosebumps Books. I felt they were terribly formulaic, but R L Stein sold

    You may think that Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers are the death of music, but they resonate with their core audience.

    There is no accounting for taste

  7. I agree that there are better books, but the Twilight series is okay. I have read all four books and some things I didn't like and others I did. It really depends on what type of books you like. I like fantasy and such so Twilight was alright for me. But I think a lot of people like the books mostly because they like Edward. But my distaste for the series grew after I read the last book and found out the Twilight would be coming out in November instead of Harry Potter :p

    Hope this helps!  

  8. I totally and utterly disagree, these books kept me going through a very hard time in my life, but im not here to argue, everyone has an opinion.

  9. Oh, feck yes.  I am anti-Twilight, Pro-House of Night.  Because Zoey is more realistic, and I don't see a Damien or a Jack in stupid, homophobic Twilight.

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