
Any other artist, musician, poet MILITARY wives/husbands? Need advice and input!?

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I am a classically trained musician and work at an opera company, play in a symphony, teach music students, and am beginning work on a bachelor's in music performance.

My soon to be husband is deploying in Jan for a year, but obviously we don't know if he will be stationed here when he returns.

Because he is my life I would go anywhere and do anything for him, but the other half of my life is music. Will I have opportunites to still teach, play, educate where I go. Has anyone else had this experience?

We don't plan on children for a long time and he knows that I LOVE doing what I was put here to do. Has anyone had to completely sacrifice their "art" or hobbies b/c they married military? Is it possible there are better opportunites every time we move?




  1. Of course the opportunity is available almost anywhere you go. However, you can have your husband request that he stays there for personal reasons. They don't have to honor the request, but he can ask for it.  

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