
Any other blacks with this experience????(other people can read)?

by  |  earlier

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Im like 90% black 10% other

I get so offended when people ask me am i mixed because they think im pretty, or they are so certain that im half something else.

I mean, im happy of the fact that people think im pretty, but why do people think that 2 black parents cant produce a beautiful child?

My friend even told me once that my "baby daddy" cant be black cuz my child is "just going to be black" if thats a bad thing. Im "just black" i not attractive?





  1. you don't look mixed. But have you ever asked them if they think you're pretty only because you look mixed to them?

    Anyway you are very cute

  2. hmm, u jus look blk to me...but umm

    idk about that thats not always the case, im blk n dominicana

    but i look blk mostly

    n most ppl dont ask me if im mixed until they hear me speak spanish or if i wear my hair a certain way

    i also have beautiful blk couzins that dont get asked if they are mixed jus because they are pretty so umm..idk

    i understand wen ppl ask blk ppl if they are mixed if their hair is a different texture...but thats because most blk ppl have really course hair, so it makes since to ask..but not because they are pretty

  3. You don't look mixed to me. But I guess people ask you if you're mixed out of curiosity if you don't look like their stereotypical image of what a black person should look like. It's just out of not knowing and I'm sure they're not saying it for the reasons you think, such as if you were only black you wouldn't be pretty. Your 10% otherness features they associate with another race might stand out to them so they want to know out of curiosity.

    It reminds me of a video on youtube where a black guy was preaching that East Africans like Ethiopians are considered more beautiful and are models in the US representing the rest of Africans due to features they have mixed with Arabs, which I thought was insulting to blacks because it implied if they didn't have any mixture, they would not be beautiful. So I think it's all in your head :)

    But I think that's totally messed up what the friend said about the baby daddy not being black so the baby won't be just black! that's like so shallow!! The father should be based on who you love not how light his skin is to produce a different type of baby! geez.

  4. you have been taught to be hyper sensitive to race.   you should  be so happy to be attractive, that it should not bother you at all. Go ask a girl who is less blessed . one who people speak of in diff. terms and tell her about your great disappointment .. I bet you would get a different perspective.  It is wonderful that people are interested.(not including your friend)   Go get one of those dna tests that can tell you where your ancestors came from  they are pretty( bad) accurate. You will prob. be surprised.  then when people show an interest,then you can open a very interesting conversation ,or just say I`m  just an american.  however ,I do "get" your question .and my direct simple answer is people are curious by nature. only some people are more verbal.  also "yeaurhot"  has a good answer because of her varied  cultural experiences,,also, I dont like racism and those who use it divide use.  "do  other white people have this experience????(other people can read)?

  5. You are pretty,I can tell you are mostly black. It isprobably becuase you have a lighter skin tone.

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