
Any other girls feel that other women try and drag them down?

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I am interested to find out if other attractive and career successful women find that people change towards them as they grow into their lives and do well. I have not changed at all but people around me have.I Find "Tall poppy syndrome" all of the time. I find people that don't know me want to do horrible things to me such as scratch my car, start rumors, try and ignore my presence. Why do women do this to each other? do you have this also?




  1. Women feel threatened by other women for the simple fact that we have been socially trained to be attention whores. Anyone who takes attention away from us (whether it be positive or negative attention) is a threat and should be driven away.

    In a wolf pack, the Alpha female of a group harasses the other females to the point where their bodies become so stressed out that they are unable to mate, thus assuring her of the Alpha male's undivided attention... sound familiar? XD

  2. Been tryin to figure this one out for YEARS!!! The other day a good friend told me - IT'S JEALOUSY!!!

  3. there are girls out there that can't handle the intimidation of someone who seems to have it all:  good looks, career, etc.  there's not much you can do about them, but you can do someone about yourself.  take a step back and be honest.  are you a little too friendly with the guys?  showing off your stuff a bit?  are your clothes appropriate?  there's something about you that is driving them over the edge into hating you and you have to figure out what it is.  i doubt it's just cause your so perfect, but that definitely exacerbates the problem.

    unfortunately, pretty girls have to be a little nicer and smarter than other people to get respect.  that's the price you pay, i guess.

  4. I don't know just what it is with other women, i know that when i was in work and next in line to the supervisor some other women seemed to resent it, i had work hard to get where i got, and always did my best to keep up my work standards, and yet there was always one who found it hard to except just what i had become, and she made unwarranted complaints to the higher office about me, and she did tell a load of lies which i had to prove were just that, but in the end i got transferred to another place, but came up against the supervisor this time i went to her and had my say, by saying to her that i was here to work as her assistant supervisor, and as we had to work together it was best that we got on. The reason why i think that some were like this is because they knew i had been to college and got a certificate for the work i was doing, and it was like they were scared i was going to take their job, which i would only get if they left, and i hate to blow my own trumpet but i did know my job inside out and was good at it, and i think it is a case that some women even men are jealous that you have got on and they have not, so they will do anything to put you off what you are doing in hope that you mess up and lose your job, that is where you have to be strong and not let these ones get at you.

  5. It is human by nature. A different scale for each. Girls/women or men

    are alike. God created it for us to go along.

  6. Jealousy

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