
Any other republicans/McCain supporters jumping ship?

by Guest64339  |  earlier

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Personally, I will no longer be voting for McCain because of what I consider a "token" running mate selection based more on pandering to a fringe minority than qualification or ability.

So, I'm curious. How many other republican voters will change their vote because of the VP selection?






  2. I wasn't going to vote at all this time for the first time.  Now for sure, I'll be voting for McCain.

  3. I wasn't nor would I ever vote McCain or Republican for that matter, Unless of course Colin Powell was running anyway, but I LIKE his choice for VP. Once I knew Obama passed up Hilary for the VP spot, I knew McCain would choose a woman, I knew he had to and so he did. So I didn't know her, but of course I did a lil research and I happen to like her, and as a Hilary supporter, I agree she has FAR more qualifications to be commander and chief than Obama, but as a Democrat I would say Obama/Biden are the better men for the job. Hilary rightfully so should be leading this Party, and I do believe McCain is going to get some of her supporters based on his decision. h**l without it he was getting them. Obama made a huge mistake when He didn't pick Hilary, and another one when He picked Biden. He should have picked a woman. McCain had to capitalize on that. This is Chess, not checkers.  

  4. I definitely will not jump ship.  Obama is inexperienced and can not run our country.  McCain made a much better choice.  Do you not think that that a woman would make as good a choice as a man?

  5. I haven't made up my mind whether to "jump ship" or not...  Will wait and see how she does on her first debate with Biden.  My guess is that she will do OK...

    As for experience, she's the only one of either ticket with ANY executive experience...  Her approval rating in AK is highest of any Governor in the Country if I'm hearing correctly...

    I definitely would have jumped ship if McCain had chosen Romney or Lieberman...  Although, on a personal level I like Lieberman a lot...

  6. I totally agree with you.  He's been ragging on Obama over his lack of experience, and then he picks someone with even less?  It's pure politics.

    He's picking a woman, hoping to get that vote since Clinton just gave Obama a boost at the convention.

    He's picking someone who's young so he can get some of Obama's appeal there.

    She's just a political tool.  I think McCain's feeling desperate.

  7. I am sure that there will be many more, but they are probably too chicken to admit to it because they will be criticized. But I admire your honesty and your insightful nature.

  8. NO.  I will still be voting for McCain.  yes, I believe he chose her for her gender, but that doesn't out weigh the fact that Obama sucks.  

  9. Several.

    I saw lots of frustrated Repubs here at work today.

    The silence is deafening!!


  10. I don't think we know enough about her to make a flat assumption like you have.

    But I am not real thrilled.

    They are gonna have to prove to me that she is the real thing and not a token as you suggest.

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