
Any other single pregnant women/mothers who don't use public assistance?

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I see so many posts about single pregnant women/moms who want subsidized housing, or medicaid, or WIC, etc. When I suggest working full time to make ends meet, I get a lot of thumbs down. Are there any other women like me, who are single but work hard and pay their own way?




  1. I am a single pregnant woman.  I work 28 hours a week, and I am also attending classes at the community college here in AZ.  I'm not exactly sure what you are getting at here, but let me just state that here in AZ, if you have a job, the state doesn't really assist you.  for instance, I am on WIC, but that is a Federal thing, and it is actually called Woman, Infant and Children.  It is made for woman, infants and children so that they remain healthy.  It really has nothing to do with your income or anything like that.  The amount of woman, infants, and children in this country who are unhealthy due to poor eating habits is overwhelming, so that is where WIC comes in.  As for food stamps and such, I recieve 10 dollars worth of food stamps per month.  Thats it, no more.  and the only reason they gave me those is to keep my case open for when I can't work.  I also get the state run insurance and I am greatful as h**l for it cause the cost of having a child can run up to 20 grand just in medical bills alone.  

    Now you say, you are doing it alone with no help, I call bull$hit.  Either your job has good insurance, or the father is in the picture, or your parents are helping you or something.  You can not convince me that you are doing it just by working full time, because I have been working full time up until last week when my boss cut my hours back.  I make 8 dollars per hour, and have a roommate, but I still cant do it by my self.  So do you make like 20 bucks an hour on your job or what?  and what do you plan on doing for the 4-6 weeks that you can't work?  So maybe you have a nest egg saved away, ok, thats great, what if your car breaks down?  Or god forbid something happens to the baby?  These are all things that all of us have to worry about, and some of us really need the governments help, and personally I don't think there is anything wrong with seeking out help when you need it.

    As for people that have food stamps and drive a brand new car, they are scammers, and they will get whats coming to them soon enough.  You shouldn't judge everyone by just a handful of people out there that do $hit the wrong way.

  2. yes i worked full time and paid for us.  finally got a house and my car was paid for.  after working at this i got to good.

    unfortunately, i got married and started paying his way too.

    well needless to say he used me for everything he could get and left.

  3. I think that it is great that you are able to do it on your own but I am just wondering how. I am married with a 1yr old and one on the way and even with both incomes it's a struggle. With rent, daycare, gas, food, baby needs, and all of the other necessities... how do you manage?  

  4. I'm not pregnant currently, but a single mother of 3 who works a full-time & part-time job in order to make ends meet.  I think it's admirable of you to want to try to do it on your own.  Public assistance programs are severely abused and it's very refreshing to see someone not looking to take advantage of the system.  Good luck to you!

  5. My girlfriend does! She has never once received puplic assistance.

    I am not saying I root for one or the other, but yeah, I know of someone.

    She went to school, got a career, is living in her own home, and then decided to have a baby. Then poof, the guy left. So there she is, being a mama with no help but her own.

  6. Nope. You must be the only decent single pregnant women in America.  Wow ... you're special!

  7. I am unmarried and I'm due to have my baby on Tuesday.  I don't get any public assistance, nor would I qualify if I wanted it.  I will continue to work full-time (after maternity leave) and pay my own way, but with the help of my boyfriend.  

  8. Yes! My boyfriend's sister has a son and she is a single mom. The dad is a deadbeat, she has a live in bf now, but she managed for 5 years all on her own. She owns her own home, works full time, and manages to always have food for herself and her son and manages to get him things he wants. She has tried to get help with food before, just to make things a little easier on herself, but she's on the fence on that. She's juuust over whatever income criteria there is for it, so they denied her...but yet she doesn't make quite enough to not live paycheck to paycheck. But she's doing very well for herself.

  9. I am happy to hear that you are doing so well but not all cases are the same. My mother used public assistance when she left my abusive father when my brother and I were babies. She worked full time and hid money from him until she could save enough money to get a crummy efficiency apartment. She didn't have a car so she walked trips back and forth carrying all our belongings ( I am talking miles). She got away and has paid more in taxes then she received in help. So good job for you but don't be so critical of those who need the help.

  10. Im a single mom with a full time job and I get no public assistance at all. There was a time when i did but it was brief (like 6 weeks). So no you are not the only one...

    However you can't be so hard on other moms who seek help. Every situation is different.

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