
Any other teachers having nightmares?

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Alas, there's only 2.5 more weeks left to summer vacation. I will be beginning my third year teaching high school physics and astronomy. Already I have been having nightmares about the first day of school. I dream that I don't have the seating charts done, the syllabus isn't copied to hand out, that I get the classes mixed up (I think it's advanced physics when it's supposed to be astronomy).... Anyone else have first day of school nightmares?




  1. no I think it's just you

  2. Haha yeah, but I did that sometimes when I waited tables too.  I forgot orders, had 25 tables, etc.

    My dreams about school are usually about being unprepared as well, but for some reason, I don't seem too upset about it. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing :)

  3. These dreams tell me that you are not a very well organised person and this is reflected in your nightmare, as long as you make a concerted effort to get everything ready that you need for the first day back, it will make these nightmares unfounded and they should disappear.

  4. I find my mind racing!  I end up taking melatonin or ambien for about a week before school starts!  Sleeping better makes everything better.

  5. I've asked other teachers the same question.  Even veteran teachers get them.  Mine started last week.  I don't think it is just a teacher thing.  Any profession where you need to be prepared and in control would get them.

  6. Yes - I will be teaching my first day of kindergarten in a few weeks.  Luckily I have a vacation to get my mind off of it all before school starts!

  7. lol

    Yup, I had my first nightmare about school the other night. It was the first day and I screwed up because people didn't get important information to me concerning the schedule. (I also have different duties this year, so I am a little nervous about that as well)

    My nightmares, like yours, often deal with being unprepared. That's why we often over prepare for the first day.

    I think these dreams are perfectly normal. They probably help us to be ready for the big day.

  8. Yeah, I have been having dreams of weird things happening on the first day of school for a few weeks now.  I hate it because I want to enjoy the last few weeks of summer without thinking about school, but it keeps creeping into my mind at night!

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