
Any paranormal experts out there? i want to talk about my crazy night last night?

by  |  earlier

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some things have been happening at my home but we never think much of it, thinking there must be a good explanation. sorry this is going to be long. last night the lights flickered a little and i didnt think much of it again. i went to bed. my kids dad came up a little later, he usually sleeps downstairs but he said the clock freaked him out cuz the second hand moved 2 times but the batteries have been dead forever. so he slept in the bed with me. not sure what time that was. later, i had a quick, vivid dream of being choked and while struggling, i looked above my window and saw a raven. i was afraid to look at the clock cuz i knew i would freak out if it was the 3 oclock hour. a little later, i heard a voice, not sure if i was dreaming. i thought i was awake cuz i remember wondering if it was my kids dad talking in his sleep. the voice was creepy, and it said something like "we need to get the number, then we can steal it away" no idea what that meant. i just hid under the covers




  1. Sounds like a rough night. Definitly not a demon. Here is the deal. Lets assume for a minute that demons are real without question or proof needed. A demon would never be able to accomplish its task, to destroy someones life, if its existance was known. Demons are a lot stronger and smarter than any humans and according to accounts, they like to divide people up by scaring and making thier presence known to one person so the other person thinks they are crazy.

    Therefore this definitly does not fit a behavioral pattern of what we know of demons at all.

    So what happened?

    You got scared, connected a number of unrelated events during a bad night and concluded that it was something paranormal.

    You woke your husband up, so his mind started to come to, but he was still in a dream state. This is common, its called hypnopompic hallucinations. Often this causes auditory hallucinations also.

    You are very superstitious, and thus, i think a lot of times you would see on the clock would have some apparent meaning. Its 3 am, 11:11, 4:20, the numbers add up to 13 (unlucky), the numbers add up to 7 (lucky). Is there any time that you could not analyze and find some apparent meaning to? Think about it.

  2. I read your story with interest. I think you have something going on in your home. I do paranomal investigations and this sounds like a  not so good. situation.

    1. What is the history of the home and area around the home. Get the land deeds, go to the historical society etc. so that you can have a history for any investigator. Find out about former owners, etc.

    2. Go online and look in your area for a reputable paranormal team. You can go to the TAPS site and they list members by state. To be a Taps member you have to be accepted. I would contact one asap to come to your home and find out what is going on.

    Im feeling concern for you and your family....Please heed my advice...

  3. You already know the answer to your question but ok I'll answer it.  You all had frightful night and somehow you've all been warned of the supernatural danger.  All of you have experienced the evil there.  Even though most people don't believe in the paranormal/supernatural/ evil, that doesn't make it any less real; even the bible speaks of these things.  I don't know how long you guys have been living there with such experiences or what you guys are involved with that might have triggered this experience but its dead serious.   Take a look at this vid about a demon dog in a wedding photo:

    I don't know if you are Christian or not but maybe you should go see a Catholic priest about coming out to your house and blessing the place to excorcise whatever it is out of the place or go find that famous psychic James Van Praagh to go get rid of them for you.





  4. my guess is that you where being assaulted by a demon.

    the voice that said "watch her" or "protect her" was an angel telling another one to protect you.

  5. If you are not Christian you need to ask Jesus to be Lord of your life and call on His name for protection. His is the name above all names with all power and authority.

  6. Your whole family is scared  and are seeing every piece of cord as snakes.Be brave and think rationally.There is nothing like ghosts/spirits/demons etc.Once you admit this fact, you will have no troubles at all.

  7. Sounds like you had some weird dreams (perhaps sleep paralysis too) and the kids had some nightmares.  I'm not sure what the 3 o'clock phobia means.

    If you believe in the paranormal you are going to actively seek things that can be interpreted as paranormal.

  8. It sounds like you had a rough night I am a paranormal investigator and I have been doing this for quite awhile I cannot tell you that what you experienced is paranormal the majority of what you described was sleep related or in the general area of it have you experienced any other activity in the home? or is this the first you have noticed?I would wait for a couple of nights and see if any more activity is going on if it is please come back and ask us again or message me personally and we can go from there ok

  9. As a Christian I have a different take on these kind of things, but I deal a lot with dreams and ravens. Ravens are a medium (and in dreams they are symbolic of powerful demonic forces), and dreams of choking represent an actual demonic opression.

    I don't know what to do outside of taking authority over it, but you can only do that as a Christian. Anyone else would have worse problems if they tried.

  10. and just what did you eat for supper???

  11. It could have been a number of things.

    Since you all seemed to have about the same kind of dream, I would say there is a common denominator here......

    What did every one eat for dinner?

    Did you all watch the same TV program or movie together?

    Was there a family discussion over death, war, politics, or a bully type at work or school?

    How about putting a tape recorder in your room at night?

    If you have a clock radio, make sure the radio part is turned off. Same thing if you watch TV to go to sleep.

    The room has to be totally quiet for you to hear any recordings.

    And just tell the alleged entity that they are not invited to remain in the home, that they must leave, and not cause any harm to any of your family members.

  12. Its a diabolical, more than likely it is the man that is being attact but you are there so... A diabolical is when a demon is trying to posses and so it makes alot of things happen like ghostly paranormal etc before. CLEAN THE HOUSE! Get holy water from your local catholic church, have a priest come and bless the house-both these things are free. Then, if it continues or gets worse call any protestant church you can that will do an exorcism. I say protestant because even tho the catholics have total power in this they need all kids of stuff and to petition the pope to do it. You might need them tho if the protestants cant get it done. But hurry up-this is no laughing matter and time is of the essence!

  13. email me. i have alot of experience in the field, i may be able to help you but i need to talk with you first

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