
Any parents ever think their baby had autism or something and turn out to be wrong?

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I am just a scared mom (I hope). One day I will see things in my daughter that make me think she is autistic or developmentally delayed, and the next day I think she's fine. I just want to know if any parents have already gone through this with a baby that was a little late developing and turned out to be okay? I'm looking for some hope and reassurance.




  1. Doctors and such make mistakes.   When I was pregnant I was told to abort my daughter because they said she had down syndrome....because her neck was large.   I refused.

    Good thing I did.....she was normal...just a thick neck.  

    Thing about this is I had hope .....never gave up....children are like us too ....good days and bad days.

  2. my uncle thought one of his triplets had autism because her eyes would do weird stuff or sometimes she would stare off into space. But she turned out just fine and is actually very smart

  3. Please stop trying to second guess yourself, if you child is Autistic she needs to start therapy now.I have 4 children, 2 have Autism.  I would say sorry, but that would be an injustice to the 1 or"2" out of 150 precious children that are Autistic.

  4. I know what you mean. My husband is like that. He is constantly questioning if our son should or should not be doing things that he does, and he is 4 months. If your ped isn't worried, you don't worry, either.

  5. As a toddler,my cousin never spoke and sometimes acted odd. I can't exactly remember what she did, but it turned out she was having mini seizures. I wish her parents had taken her to see a doctor quicker because she is now eleven and has some developmental problems.

    I don't want to scare you at all, but as a mom you know your child. If you even think that something may be wrong find out now! Don't wait because if it is something treatable,the sooner they find it the better.

    Best Wishes!

  6. My doctors thought I had it until I was like three and than I started talking and walking.

    I am perfectly fine.

    And pregnant with my own kid!

  7. my best friend has a 3  1-2 yr old and her son is stil not talkin nor poopin onpooty so your fine!!

  8. I thought my cousin was, hes almost 3 and perfectly normal, some babies just learn at a slower pace.

  9. I had lead poisoning and had to go to school to learn to talk.

    now answer my ?;...

  10. I think every parent worries about that, My daughter was a toe walker, and always lined things up, i was  worried, she is almost three now, she is not only fine, she is advanced ( i guess every parent thinks that too )

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