
Any parents who been to child support help?

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What should I prepare for in my child support case....besides proof of income...should I provide documents of how frequent he sees my son...should I file for custody..idk what to do




  1. Everything KitKat said... :)  Plus -

    Bring proof of income, if you use daycare bring proof of how much you make, if you supply the health insurance for your child, bring the breakdown of how much you pay per paycheck.

  2. do not take care about that

  3. Who is handling the case?  Is it goes through your county's child support enforcement or are you attempting to do this on your own?  The only things I had to provide were proof of income, but I already had full custody and my ex had only supervised visitation.  Visitation/Custody and Child Support are seperate issues.  You shoudl probably get the visitation/custody case taken care of before child support as number of overnights the non-custodial parent has is usually used to calculate amount of support.

  4. Child support, visitation and custody are very different. You can not mix one with the other. At a child support hearing you should not discuss visitation arrangements of lack there of. In many courts they will schedule the cases together if you have filed for all 3. But if you not have then stay on topic with the case at hand.

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