
Any part time jobs in North Carolina ?

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I am 19 yrs. old in ( Rocky Mount NC) and i am still in high school so nobody wants me. I Refuse to work in McDonald's or Hardee's. In the past 2 months i have looked for 15 jobs and no that was it. I know next yr. when i graduate it will be easier but right now i need money for a car and college in January.

Can Anybody PLEAZE help ME?




  1. You should try mystery shopping. It is a lot of fun. You get paid to shop, eat out, and perform other tasks to make sure that companies are good to their customers. Some of the shops pay pretty well too. If you want more information go to:

    Hope that helps!

  2. Do you have any previous working experience? If not you'll probably have to bite the bullet and work at fast food for awhile, work is work.

    Though if you can wait.. It's typically easier to find work when school starts back up and retailers need people to work during Christmas.

    Otherwise just try a few websites like or Craigslist.

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